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Bound to Hope: A Forbidden Romance (The Hope Series Book 2) Page 10

“I love you too, Hope.”

  I don’t pull the phone away from my ear until it’s disconnected. I let it fall onto the bed as I suck back my bottle of vodka. This has been a long trip, and it hasn’t even started yet. I really thought my parents would put up more of a fight though. I guess Holden was right. They missed me just as much as I missed them, and they don’t want to let this come between us again.

  The chiming of my phone pulls me from my thoughts. It’s a picture message from Holden. I click on the picture to see that he stuck his phone through a crack in the swinging door and snuck a shot of Vanessa. She’s sitting behind the counter, looking at something on the computer. Her blonde hair frames her face. Her pale skin only draws attention to her dark, red lips. She’s absolutely breathtaking, and my jealously spikes.

  Me: Thank you for showing me how gorgeous she is.

  Holden: Nothing compared to you, angel. I love you. He sends back.

  Someone knocks on the door, and I drop my phone onto the bed to go answer it.

  It’s Scott. “Hey, glad to see you made it in safely.”

  “Yeah, I just got in a little bit ago.”

  He motions across the hall. “I’m going to put my stuff away. Then we can go to dinner, and I can give you the rundown on the wedding.”

  I smile. “Sounds good. I’m going to change. I smell like an airplane.”

  After I close the door, I start digging through my bag. It suddenly occurs to me I don’t have anything to wear to a wedding. I’m going to have to hit up a few stores in the morning.

  In fact, the only thing I have nice at all is a short black dress I brought along in case I went out to dinner with Holden. But we spent so much time at my parents’ house, that it was too late by the time we left.

  Since it’s the only nice thing I have, I pull it on. Quickly, I pull my hair up into a sleek updo and slide on the pair of black heels I brought. I look myself over in the mirror. The black dress is form fitting. It’s tight in all the right places and loose around the neckline and sleeves, falling over my shoulder. It is a little more than what I want to wear to dinner with my boss, but it’s all I have.

  I put my wallet and phone into my small black clutch and open the door. Scott’s on the other side with his hand raised like he was about to knock, but he freezes when he sees me.

  “Wow, Hope. You look beautiful.” He offers up a big smile.

  I’m uncomfortable with his praise, but tell him, “Thank you. Are you ready to go to dinner?”

  “I am,” he gestures down the hall.

  I step out, closing the door behind me when I notice him in a nice suit. I’ve only seen him in a suit a couple of times. “What’s the occasion?” I motion toward his suit.

  He looks down at himself and laughs. “Dinner. Can’t go to a fancy restaurant in jeans.”

  I nod. “I’m glad I brought this dress. I wasn’t exactly prepared for a wedding. I only packed this so Holden and I could have dinner after visiting my parents.”

  We step into the elevator, and he pushes the down button. “I don’t mean to be forward, but what do your parents think about you and Holden? I mean, he is quite a bit older than you.”

  I tear my eyes away from him and stare at the doors. “That’s what the visit was about actually. We told them about our engagement.”

  “And how’d they take it?”

  I shrug. “Better than I thought actually.”

  He smiles. “That’s good. When is the big day?”

  The doors open, and we step out into the lobby. “April 30th.”

  “That soon?” He acts surprised. “Where’s it being held?”

  “I have no idea. We haven’t decided yet.”

  He holds the door open, and there’s a limo already waiting.

  “This is us,” he says as the driver opens the door.

  I’m a little speechless. After I climb into the backseat, he follows behind me.

  “I can’t believe your wedding is so close, and you don’t have a venue yet.”

  I laugh. “You sound like Holden. He wanted The Plaza, but I want something a little more intimate. Something quiet, just close family and friends.”

  “Why not your hometown?”

  I laugh. “A little too close for comfort,” I respond. I thought about going home to do the wedding, but honestly, it feels wrong. Back in high school when I was with Dean, I pictured what our wedding would look like. I thought about me and him standing at the end of the aisle in our hometown church. Having a wedding there would feel like an insult to him.

  He must pick up on something, because he lets the subject drop and begins talking about the wedding we’re working instead.

  Our dinner goes smoothly, and he drops me off at my room around ten P.M. I sink into the deep bathtub and call Holden.

  “Hi, angel,” he says when he answers.

  “Hi, what are you doing now?”

  “Just got home, and you?”

  I let out a long breath. “I just got back from dinner, where Scott filled me in on tomorrow. Now, I’m in a hot bath. I wish you were here with me.”

  He lets out a long breath that causes shivers to run down my spine. “Me too, angel.”

  “When I get up in the morning, I have to run into town to find a dress for the wedding. Then I’ll be working the wedding and reception, so I probably won’t be able to talk to you again until late tomorrow night.” I reach over the edge of the tub and grab my glass of wine.

  “That’s okay. I’ll be at the shop again all day tomorrow. Is pretty boy behaving himself?”

  I roll my eyes. “He was a perfect gentleman at dinner. You have nothing to worry about. He knows we’re getting married.”

  “I know, but I still worry you’ll come to your senses and leave me for a man your own age,” he laughs out.

  “Please, you take care of me better than any four guys my age.”

  “I can tell what you’re thinking by the tone of your voice, you know.” I hear the smile in his voice.

  “What am I thinking?” I ask, letting my hand dip below the water.

  “It sounds like you’re thinking about playing with something that’s mine. You know about my feelings on sharing.”

  I laugh. “Possession is nine-tenths of the law, you know?” I tease him.

  “Hope, please don’t do this. My hand’s nothing compared to you, and if you get me going now, I’ll be wound up until you get home. You won’t walk right for a week,” he threatens.

  “Hmmm, that doesn’t sound so bad,” I admit.



  “Keep your greedy hands off what’s mine. I’ll show you what you’re missing when you get home.”

  “I love you, Holden.”

  “I love you too, Hope. Good night.” He hangs up the phone.

  Just listening to his threats has me turned on, but I don’t want to give in to my desires. I want to hold it all back so when we come together, it’s explosive.

  Chapter 13


  When I wake in the morning, I run into town to find a dress. I get back around ten in the morning and start getting ready. The wedding festivities are set to start at noon.

  Once I’m ready for the day, I knock on Scott’s door to get the extra camera bag he brought along. He answers the door wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs.

  “Whoa, Scott,” I say, holding up my hand so I can’t see anything past his waist.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you.” He reaches behind the door and grabs a robe, pulling it on.

  “I need to head over to the bride’s suite to take pictures of her and the bridesmaids getting ready, and I need the camera bag.”

  “Oh, right. What was I thinking?” He rushes to the table and picks up the extra bag. He hands it over. “I’ll see you at the ceremony at three.”

  I nod, still feeling a little awkward from seeing parts of him I shouldn’t. “See you there.”

  I stay so busy through the day t
hat the hours pass quickly. I don’t have time to breathe again until the reception, and then only in between important events. Scott finds me standing by the back wall with a glass of champagne. “How was your day?”

  I let out a long breath. “Crazy busy. Bridesmaids squeal a lot.”

  He laughs. “I’m sure the groom has more fun anyway. Can you believe they actually brought in strippers before the wedding?”

  “They did?” I ask. “That’s unbelievable. The day of his wedding?”

  Scott shrugs. “I’m pretty sure it was the best man that set it all up. The groom was too worried I’d snap a picture that would get him in trouble to enjoy the show.”

  I shake my head and roll my eyes. “That’s why I’m glad I’m marrying Holden.”

  He looks at me, confused.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You don’t think Holden is like him?” he asks, motioning toward the bride and groom, acting like they’re the perfect couple while they greet their guests.

  “Not at all.”

  He turns to face me, leaning his shoulder against the wall. “He tells you that you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on, right? That nobody could possibly ever compare to you?”

  “Yeah, so? What’s your point?”

  He laughs. “Holden is a man. He’s no different than any other man on the planet.”

  I lift my brow. “I still don’t know what that means.”

  “Men aren’t good with marriage. It’s in our blood to want to mate with every woman possible. And even though, in this day and age, we know we can’t, we still want to see all the breasts we can. We can’t help it.”

  I shake my head. “Holden isn’t like that.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. You can’t tell me a man his age isn’t interested in sex. I mean, you’re half his age.”

  “Fuck off, Scott,” I say, pushing off the wall and walking away. I don’t know what he’s doing, if he’s trying to piss me off or what, but I’m not going to stand around and listen to it. I’m hoping our conversation is just a result of his drinking throughout the day, and not the real Scott. No way will I be able to work for him if that’s what he’s really like. I take a deep, calming breath. Maybe Holden was right about him after all.

  The reception is about over when Scott finds me sitting at a table alone. I have a half-eaten slice of cake and another glass of champagne.

  He sits down beside me. “I’m sorry, Hope. I don’t know what got into me. These things… they always get to me.”

  “What? Weddings?”

  He nods. “I hate them. I try to avoid shooting any, but I didn’t have a choice this time.” He raises his glass and finishes it off.

  “Why? Did something happen? Some runaway bride incident?” I joke.

  He won’t look at me. “You could say that. The day of my wedding, my fiancée, who I’d been with for five years, tells me she’s been sleeping with my best friend for the last year and a half. She canceled the wedding only minutes before it started. I haven’t liked them much since then.”

  Hearing what happened to him makes me regret my comment. “I’m sorry, Scott,” I say, placing my hand on his.

  “No point in dwelling on it, I guess. Let’s just try to get through the rest of the night.” He holds out his glass and I clink mine against his.


  We both take a drink. “So, what do you say about that dance?”

  I laugh. “Sure, why not?”

  I finish the rest of my glass and place it on the table as I get to my feet. He stands and follows me to the dance floor. When I spin around to face him, his smile is back in place. He holds out his hands. I step closer, putting one hand on his shoulder and one in his hand.

  “Hope, I really am sorry about what I said earlier. Bad experiences and all.” He shrugs one shoulder while slow dancing.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Thank you for coming here. I know it messed up your plans. I’m glad I can count on you.”

  “Of course, Scott. I love my job. And this place is beautiful. I’m always happy to help.”

  He smiles, kindly. “I really hit the jackpot with you.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, I’m a winner, let me tell ya.”

  We both laugh before the silence falls over us as we continue to dance. When the song ends, he steps away. “How about another drink?”

  I shrug. “Why not? What else do I have to do?”

  He leads me off the dance floor and over to the open bar. “What’s your poison?”

  “Vodka martini, please.”

  He orders my drink and a scotch for himself.

  We both take a seat at the bar. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you meet the love of your life?”

  I almost cringe every time I’m asked this question because I know the looks and reactions I’ll get. “I’ve known Holden all my life.”

  “You mean, he’s known you since you were a child?” Repulsion colors his face.

  I nod and bite my lip. “Yeah, he was friends with my parents. I left for college and ran into him my senior year. That’s when we started dating.”

  His eyes narrow in on me. “Wow. How’d your parents take it?”

  I laugh. “Not great, as you can probably imagine. We broke up for a few years because of it. We’ve only recently gotten back together.” I take a sip. I’m not telling him the full story, but the way I see it, it’s not really any of his business anyway.

  “My ex fiancée and I, we’d known one another since we were children. We grew up together. Got engaged right out of high school.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s hard losing your first love like that.” I push my glass toward the bartender for a refill.

  “I lost my first love and best friend in the same moment. I was really messed up for a while. I didn’t have anyone to talk to. I couldn’t make new friends because I had a hard time trusting anyone after that.”

  “Well, it seems like you’ve come a long way since then. Maybe, if nothing else, you learned an important lesson.”

  He nods and takes a sip. “I did. I learned that love doesn’t last forever. And that even the person you think will never hurt you, will eventually.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “No?” He raises an eyebrow.

  “No, if it was real love, she never would’ve been able to do that to you.”

  “How do you know if it’s real love?”

  I shrug. “I guess you just have to put yourself out there and see. Something worth anything is worth the heartbreak. You can’t get to heaven without going through hell first.”

  He looks at me and raises his glass without saying a word.

  We sit around the bar until almost midnight, talking and laughing. Finally, the music is shut off.

  “It looks like it’s time to wrap things up,” he says, standing.

  I take the arm he offers, and he leads me to the elevator and up to our floor. He pauses at my door. “Thanks for the talk, Hope. These things, weddings, I hate them. They make me remember a rough time in my life, but you helped to keep my mind off it.”

  I smile. “As always, I’m happy to help.”

  Something about him changes, and it feels like time stops. I can’t move as he slowly leans in, pressing his lips to mine.

  What is he doing? He knows I’m about to get married.

  His hands hold me firmly at my hips as he pushes me back against the wall.

  I break the kiss as quickly as I can. “Scott, I can’t.”

  “Come on, Hope,” he whispers. “Nobody will ever know.” He presses his lips against mine again, his tongue pushes past my lips.

  I shove against his chest, pushing him away from me. “No, Scott. You’ve had too much to drink tonight. Go sleep it off.”

  I turn quickly and walk into my room, closing the door behind me before he can stop me. As I lean my back against my door in my dark room, my chest heaves and anger surges through me. I can
’t believe he kissed me. God, if Holden finds out, he’ll have a fit. I’m sure it was just the liquor he drank mixed with all the emotions this wedding brought up for him. He’s never once hit on me at work.

  I shake my head, clearing my thoughts, and push myself forward. After I strip down to my underwear, I grab my phone to call Holden.

  “Hello?” he answers.

  “Hi, baby. Are you sleeping?”

  He groans like he’s rolling over. “Yeah, I must have fallen asleep waiting for you to call. How was the wedding?”

  “It was fine. I’m ready to come home, though.”

  “Mmm, I’m ready for you to come home too. I miss you.”

  I let out a long breath. “I miss you too. Get some rest, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay, angel. I love you.”

  His words bring a smile to my face. “I love you, too.” I hang up the phone and crawl beneath the blankets but can’t sleep. It’s driving me crazy that Holden’s lips weren’t the last ones against mine. It was Scott’s. I push back the blankets and start throwing my stuff into a bag. I’m going home.

  Chapter 14


  Knowing Hope is at some wedding with a guy I know has a thing for her makes my jealousy spike. I know she’ll tell me if he tries anything though, and nothing will stop me from getting even if he thinks he can touch what’s mine.

  While she’s gone, I spend most of my time at the shop, working on Barry’s bike. I have a thing or two to say to him too when I see him. He’s fucking lucky I didn’t hear the things he said to Hope. In fact, I think I’m going to jack up the price on the bike just to make myself feel better.

  It’s Sunday morning, and I’m standing in the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee. When I hear the lock turn on the front door, I spin around to see Hope walking in.

  She drops her bag on the floor at her feet. “I couldn’t sleep last night, so I hopped an earlier flight.”

  I rush over to her, pulling her into my arms and pressing my mouth against hers. Her arms wrap around my neck and her legs go around my hips. I hold her firmly against my chest with my hands on her ass. “God, I missed you,” I say, breaking the kiss and breathing in her sweet scent I’ve missed so much.