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A Second Chance at Forever (Chance #2) Page 15

  His eyes shined from clear across the room. I saw so much brewing behind them.

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea. I really made a mess of shit last night.” He shook his head.

  “This isn’t about last night or us for that matter.”

  He had to force himself to look at me and that made my heart fall to my stomach. I hated that was what we had become. “I just wanted to let you know that those pictures have been released and I’m leaving.”

  “Where are you going?” I saw sadness flash in his eyes as he pulled his brows together.

  “With those pictures being out there, Chris has found me. I have to leave before he gets here. I’m sorry for the mess I made for you, but I won’t be here anymore to make a mess of things. I hope you and Nicole can get over this and have happy lives.” I turned for the door when I felt my eyes tear.

  “Stop,” Mason said as soon as I reached for the doorknob.

  I turned to look at him, not sure what I would see.

  When I turned, he was standing directly in front of me. “You’re not going anywhere. I can’t let you leave. I will always be wondering if he’s found you and I can’t live knowing that he may be hurting you.”

  My eyes met his intense gaze. “I can’t stay here, he will find me.”

  Something flashed in Mason’s eyes. “Go home and pack. You’re staying with me.”

  I let out a bitter laugh “Mason, you know that won’t work.”

  He shrugged. “Why won’t it?”

  “Nicole will have a fit. Not to mention, we can barely keep our hands to ourselves in a crowded room, how are we supposed to stay in the same house?”

  Mason walked across the room and sat on his desk, watching me. “I promise, I won’t come near you. After last night,” he shook his head. “I really fucked up. I know that and I’m determined to make this work with Nicole for the sake of our child.”

  I nodded, not sure what to say.

  “Look, I will talk to Nicole. Don’t worry about her. Do you trust me?”

  I wasn’t sure what to say, I did trust him. I always had.

  I nodded.

  “Okay, go home and pack a bag. I will meet you there after I talk to Nicole.”

  I nodded and left his office. I went home but didn’t begin to pack. I wasn’t entirely sure it would happen.

  What I didn’t expect was Mason showing up like he said he would. He walked straight in and looked at us confused. “Why aren’t you packing?”

  “What’s he talking about?” Alissa asked, completely lost.

  “I didn’t think it would happen. I didn’t think Nicole would allow it.” I shrugged, not moving from the sofa.

  Mason rubbed his temples. “She will be there too. Go get ready.”

  Alissa and I met up in the living room with bags in tow. “Are you sure about this?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not sure about anything anymore.”

  I drove to Mason’s house feeling like I was going to fall apart. I didn’t want to watch Mason with another woman. I didn’t want to be around him and not be able to touch him. But most of all, I didn’t want Chris to get his hands on me again. I knew Mason could keep me safe.

  We pulled up to Mason’s house and he showed us to our rooms. It was weird being in his house and not staying in his room. I dropped my bag to the floor and threw myself on the bed. I thought about everything. Mason, Nicole, Chris, my life and what it was I wanted to do with it.

  I had too many questions and not enough answers.

  I had been at Mason’s house for several hours, I hadn’t seen anyone, but knew what I needed to be able to go to sleep. I needed that bottle that got me through everything.

  I left the room and walked past Mason’s. I peeked in to see him sitting on his balcony. I wanted to join him but knew I couldn’t. I pushed the thoughts down and made my way to the kitchen where Nicole was cooking dinner.

  I ignored her and continued to look through the cabinets.

  “Can I help you find something?” she asked sweetly.

  “Not unless you can point me in the direction of a bottle of Jack.”

  She smiled. “Mason has that on his balcony, but I know where a bottle is hidden.” She opened the bottom cabinet and moved several items out of the way before pulling out a brand-new bottle and handing it over.

  “Thank you.” I took the bottle and pulled a glass from the cabinet.

  I sat down at the island to have a drink while watching Nicole cook. Something was off about her, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  “What are you cooking? It smells amazing.” I was trying my hardest to be nice and to be honest, I felt guilty for sleeping with Mason.

  “Roast beef, are you hungry?” She was obviously trying her hardest to be nice too.

  “No thanks. I think I will just stick with a liquid diet tonight.” I tipped up my glass and took a long drink. As the liquor burned its way down my throat, something else burned its way up. Jealousy. “Can I ask you something?”

  She turned to look at me, confusion written all over her face. “Sure.”

  “How can you be so easy going about me staying here?” I tipped up my glass and took a quick drink.

  She began playing with the towel in her hands. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not happy about it. I can tell how much he loves you and I know it’s more than he feels for me. But I have something you don’t, his baby,” she placed her hands on her flat stomach. “I won’t let you come between us again. There’s too much riding on this. This isn’t about who loves who, it’s about a baby who needs his parents to love and take care of him.” She turned away from me and went back to the food on the stove.

  I hated that she was right. It wasn’t about Mason and me. It was about a baby, Mason’s baby. Not knowing how to process my feelings, I took the bottle and returned to my room.

  As the liquor took affect, the angrier I became. I knew something had to be done or I wouldn’t ever get my life back. A life I needed to get back to. A life I was determined to make better.

  When I woke up the next morning, I made my way downstairs to find Mason pouring a cup of coffee. I took the coffee from his hands and sat down. “Thank you.”

  “No problem,” he shrugged before turning to pour another cup.

  Within a minute, Alissa came running down the stairs. “I can’t believe you did that.” She eyed me.

  “What? What did she do?” Mason asked.

  “This.” She handed him the phone and took his coffee from his hands.

  He played a video that I uploaded to YouTube the night before.

  “Hi, I’m Lennox Madison. I know many of you know about my engagement to Chris Meyer and now I’m coming forth to let you know why I called it off. Chis was an abusive monster. From the minute that ring was on my finger he turned into someone I didn’t know. I left to get away from him, but he has found me, forcing me to run again. I just wanted to let everyone know that all my future tours are canceled as of now. I don’t know when I will return, but I do want you all to know that I appreciate all of your love and support. Thank you.”

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” Alissa sat down beside me with Mason’s coffee and took a sip.

  “I had to do something. Sitting around waiting for him to find me wasn’t an option and we can’t stay here forever. Eventually, Mason and Nicole are going to need an extra bedroom.”

  “What’s going on?” Nicole asked as she came into the kitchen and took Mason’s third cup of coffee.

  “Why can’t I keep coffee today?” He threw his hands up in the air.

  Nicole took a sip and returned the cup. “I have to go. I’m going to be late for work.” She gave him a quick kiss before walking outside and busting everyone’s eardrums with her piercing scream.

  The three of us jumped up to follow after her.

  It felt like the air had been stolen from my lungs when my eyes landed on Nicole’s car and Mason’s truck. Their windshields and the headli
ghts had been busted and it looked like someone had taken a bat to the bodies of the vehicles.

  I knew by looking at that, that Chris had found me. He was just playing with me, wanting me scared before he made his move.

  After shaking off the feeling of dread, I offered my car to Nicole. It was the least I could do, and it was the only one we had left between the three of us.

  It’s a good thing I parked it in the garage so it couldn’t be seen from the road.

  She didn’t want to take it at first, but she finally gave in when I mentioned she would be late for work.

  After Nicole left, the three of us went back into the house. Mason went upstairs to call and make a police report, while Alissa and I flipped through channels on the TV looking for anything covering my story.

  I was nervous just looking for it. I wanted to see what they had to say about Chris. I wanted to see any interview or statement he had given since the news broke. I wanted to see how pissed off he was to try and determine what he might do next.

  We flipped through until we found it. It was the same video Alissa had shown Mason, except this time, there were more women coming forward about Chris’ abuse.

  Two women, he had dated back in high school, had come out and told their stories. Another woman who was a model and one more that use to be Chris’ assistant. All of them had been subject to Chris’ abuse. Only one had ever pressed charges against him. All others were afraid of what he would do if they did.

  I was another one that didn’t press charges. I thought just running away from him would solve the problem, and it did, my problem. I never thought about others he could harm by not coming forth with my story.

  “I should have gone to the police.”

  “What?” Alissa asked, taking her attention away from the TV and returning it to me.

  “I should have gone to the police. Look at all these women. If they would have come forward, this might not have happened to me. And now, I’m just another one of them. I should have gone to the police to keep him from doing this to anyone else.”

  “Lennox, you had no idea he had done this before. The important thing is people know who he really is. Don’t beat yourself up about it, you were scared.” Alissa rubbed my arm.

  I let the subject drop. I couldn’t watch it anymore, I stood and walked to the kitchen.

  “Are you cooking?”

  I found nothing but ketchup and beer in the fridge. “Doesn’t look like it, there’s nothing to eat here.”

  I pulled my phone from my pocket and called a car service to rent a car. I knew Mason would need one until his truck was fixed anyway.

  I made my way to Mason’s room to let him know a car would be delivered and Alissa and I planned to make a food run.

  I knocked on the door, but he didn’t answer. I thought he might have been on his balcony, so I slowly opened the door. “Mason?”

  “Yeah?” he answered, stepping out of the bathroom in only a towel.

  My eyes ran up and down his bare, wet chest. I watched as the water beaded up and ran down every hard muscle with the rise and fall of his chest. “Um, I rented a car. It will be delivered soon and Alissa and I are going to get some groceries.”

  “Not without me, Chris is in town somewhere. He could be anywhere waiting to catch you alone. I’m coming, just let me get dressed.”

  I shut the door without another word.

  Once the door was closed, I leaned my back against it, remembering the way Mason looked fresh from the shower. I pictured his hard muscles and the way they flexed while water rolled down every ripple. My heart started pounding against my chest as my breathing picked up from my excited state.

  I bit my lower lip, “Don’t go back in there, Lennox. Don’t do it,” I whispered to myself.

  Just then the door opened and I fell backward into Mason’s strong arms.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, looking down at me with his ice-blue eyes.

  “I’m fine, just a little dizzy from not eating,” I lied. I stood from his arms and hurried down the stairs.

  I took my seat next to Alissa in front of the TV. “Why are you blushing?”

  “I’m not. Shut up.” I forced my eyes to the TV.

  After what felt like hours of watching the coverage on my video, I heard the crunch of a car driving up the gravel driveway.

  Thank God, I can’t spend another minute in this house without being in Mason’s arms.

  “The car’s here,” I called to Mason and Alissa.

  After signing the papers and receiving the keys, I made a dash for the car. “I’m driving.”

  “Shotgun.” Alissa moved for the door.

  Mason climbed into the back not saying anything.

  We were almost to the grocery store when Alissa decided she couldn’t wait any longer and made me run through a Taco Bell drive-thru.

  After she ordered enough tacos for a small army, we made our way to the store. Mason and I got out but Alissa didn’t move.

  I bent down and looked through my open door at her. “Are you coming?”

  “I’m eating.” She shoved half a taco into her mouth.

  “Alissa, get out of the car. We can’t leave you alone either.” Mason opened her door.

  Alissa rolled her eyes but put everything back into her bag and climbed out of the car.

  We all walked through the store. Alissa put things in the cart as Mason took stuff out.

  “Is she serious?” he asked after he had to put back the fourth bag of chips.

  “Sadly, yes. Hey, no more Cheetos.” I pointed at her.

  She pouted but put them back on the shelf.

  “Why can’t she have Cheetos?”

  “With all the liquor at your house, I don’t think she needs Cheetos too,” I warned.

  “I don’t understand.” He shook his head.

  “Just trust me on this one.”

  After almost two hours in the grocery store, we finally made our way out, four hundred dollars poorer.

  Mason started reading off the receipt.

  “Candy bars, frosting, pretzels, five frozen pizzas, Cheetos.”

  “Hey, I told you no Cheetos,” I shouted at Alissa.

  “I can’t help it, they’re my favorite.” Alissa shrugged and got back in the car to eat the rest of her tacos.

  We pulled into the driveway a little while later. Mason and I started to load our arms down with groceries.

  “I’m stuffed, I’m going to go take a nap. You guys got this, right?” She pointed to the groceries before walking inside empty handed.

  If looks could kill, Alissa would’ve been a goner.

  “I will get the rest,” Mason said as I began to put up some of the food.

  After thirty minutes of putting up groceries, we were finally done.

  I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water when Mason’s phone rang. “Hello? Yes, this is Mason Reynolds.”

  He was quiet for a few minutes and he looked worried. I took a seat next to him and drank my water while studying his expression.

  “Okay, I will be right there.” Mason ended the phone call and stood, reaching for the keys.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nicole was in a hit and run. She’s in the hospital, come on.”



  I followed the doctor and Nicole’s parents through the hospital hallway, stopping just outside of her room.

  “Nicole was in a car accident. She’s awake now and expected to make a full recovery,” he said before opening the door, letting us into her room.

  Nicole was lying in bed with a bandage wrapped around her head. Her left arm was in a cast and her face and arms were covered in tiny cuts and scratches.

  I made my way to her side and held her hand.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, looking into her eyes.

  “I’m fine,” she answered with a small smile.

  “She was very lucky. She has a concussion and a displaced fracture in her left arm.
We have done surgery to realign the bones but she may need to do physical therapy once it’s healed.” He turned and opened the door, ready to walk out.

  “What about the baby?” I looked away from Nicole to look at the doctor. I heard Nicole’s parents’ sudden intake of breath. My eyes automatically followed the sound.

  Nicole’s parents had a look of shock, they didn’t know she was pregnant. They looked from Nicole to me and finally the doctor.

  “Excuse me?” the doctor asked, turning back around.

  “The baby, is the baby okay?” I asked again, beginning to lose my patience.

  “I don’t understand, was there a baby in the car?” His brow rose as he opened her chart and began looking over it.

  “No, Nicole is pregnant. Is the baby okay?” My voice grew louder, desperately needing an answer.

  He closed the chart. “We’ve done extensive testing and she isn’t pregnant.” He shook his head before walking out, leaving the four of us alone.

  I felt every emotion rise up inside of me. She lied? She was never pregnant?

  “You were never pregnant?” I whispered in a daze.

  A tear slid down her cheek. “No,” she whispered.

  I jerked my hand away from hers. “Why did you tell me you were pregnant?” I felt the anger swell inside of me.

  “I was scared I would lose you, to her. I was upset. I shouldn’t have lied, I’m so sorry, Mason.” She tried to reach for my hand again, but I pulled it away.

  I turned, heading for the door.

  “Mason, wait,” she called after me.

  I swung the door open with a little too much force. I didn’t turn back. I couldn’t.

  I didn’t say anything on the way home. I knew Lennox and Alissa were confused about my sudden mood change, but I needed to sort through some things. When we arrived, I went straight to my balcony and didn’t move.

  After sitting there for an hour, watching as the night darkened everything in sight, Lennox stuck her head out. “Want to talk?”

  I let out a laugh, happy to have her there. “I’m not sure you will believe me. Hell, I don’t believe it.”