A Second Chance at Forever (Chance #2) Read online

Page 20

  I used my knee to widen her legs as I slid my hand up her short jean skirt. Her wetness soaked through her panties and I had barely touched her.

  Finding her wet and waiting for me, had me hard again. I had only intended on paying back the favor, but finding her soaking wet with need for me, turned me on. I had to have her.

  “How bad do you need me right now?” I whispered as I trailed kisses down her neck.

  Her fingers were laced in my hair, holding me to her. “So fucking bad, Mason. Please, fuck me.” Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper as her heavy breathing blew across my overheated skin.

  Hearing her beg for me made my dick swell. I fisted her panties and yanked, causing the thin fabric to tear away.

  With our eyes locked, I grabbed her by her thighs and lifted her up against the house before sliding deep inside. We both let out a relieved moan just from being where we needed to be.

  My heart pounded so loudly, I could hear it in my ears.

  I forgot about the party going on below us, I forgot that there were people that could possibly see us. Everything just fell away. Everything but her.

  I moved slowly, but forcefully, pulling out slow but pushing in fast and hard. With every thrust, she let out these sounds that made me want to fall apart.

  She gripped my flexing bicep and let her eyes close, not needing to see, just feel. Feel the pleasure my body was bringing her, feel every ounce of love I had for her.

  I felt her tighten around me while letting those delicious sounds fall from her parted lips. I kept my eyes locked on her, watching each and every move she made.

  Just watching her fall apart for me, had me busting at the seams. I filled her with three jerks and came to a shuttering stop.

  I couldn’t move. I stayed in place until my brain figured out how to make my body move again.

  Finally, I placed her on her feet before pulling her in for a kiss.

  “There goes another pair of panties.” She bent over and picked up the torn fabric.

  I gave her the grin that was only for her. “I’m sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I like you better without them.”

  She let out a small laugh, “Let’s go get some sleep.”

  She grabbed my hand before tugging me into the bedroom where we both collapsed and fell asleep fast.

  I tossed and turned all night. I kept having nightmares of Ashley’s car accident and even though a part of me knew it wasn’t my fault, I still blamed myself. In my eyes, I had killed her. It wasn’t the fact that she had been drinking and driving, or that she was no doubt on drugs when she decided to drive at dangerous speeds. It was the fact that I chased after her.

  Lennox still in a deep sleep, snuggled in close. Her heat sunk into me and warmed a part of me I knew only she could. I pressed a kiss to her forehead and her eyes fluttered open.

  “Good morning.” She smiled sweetly, eyes shining bright with the morning sun streaming through the curtains.

  “Good morning,” I pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

  “How are you feeling?” She sat up and let the sheet fall from her bare chest.

  I’m sure my eyes doubled in size. “Horny.”

  She smacked my chest playfully. “Should we go downstairs and check out the damage?”

  I rubbed my head. “Fuck, I forgot all about the party.”

  I hadn’t thought of anything but Ashley and how I had killed her since my eyes opened.

  After dressing, Lennox and I slowly made our way downstairs.

  The staircase was littered with empty red cups, trash, and even a few bras and panties.

  “What the fuck? Did we somehow miss an orgy?” Lennox asked, kicking a pair of hot pink panties off the step.

  “Strip poker, I’m guessing.” I shrugged.

  The house was destroyed. Not only was the house littered with trash, but people were asleep everywhere.

  I ran my hand through my hair while looking over the living room crowded with sleeping people. “How about some coffee?”

  Lennox nodded. “Yeah, that’s a good place to start.”

  We both turned for the kitchen but came to a stop when our eyes landed on the local baseball teams mascot, a giant beaver, lying on the kitchen floor.

  “Is someone in that thing?” Lennox bent over poking the giant beaver.

  “Let’s find out.” I moved around her and pulled on the head, but it wouldn’t come off.

  Just then Dane and Alissa made their way down the stairs and over to the coffee pot, not even seeing the giant beaver laying in the middle of the floor.

  Lennox and I looked at each other before looking over to them. “Does someone want to tell me what the hell went on here last night?”

  “What?” Alissa asked, turning and finally noticing the beaver lying in the floor. “What the fuck is that? A gopher?”

  I rubbed my temples. “Okay, what the fuck happened after we left the party?”

  Dane started laughing for the first time.

  I knew whatever he was about to say wouldn’t be good. I was almost afraid to ask. “What?”

  “It’s a really funny story, actually.” Dane stepped over the beaver and sat down at the island with his coffee.

  “What’s a funny story, Dane?” I placed my hands on the island, supporting my weight as I leaned over to glare at him.

  “Well,” he brushed his dark hair from his eyes before looking directly at me. “For some reason, Sarah had it in her head that she could beat me at beer pong,” he laughed. “I own a fucking bar. She didn’t know who she was messing with.” He shook his head.

  “Are you telling me that’s Sarah in there?” Lennox asked, smile growing wider.

  Dane nodded while laughing.

  I shook my head. “How did Sarah get in the costume, Dane? Where did she even get the costume?”

  Dane looked at us like we were all stupid. “I had it in my trunk.”

  “Why would you have that in your trunk?” Alissa asked, sitting down beside him.

  Dane let out a long breath. “I went to a baseball game, awhile back. I was sitting back, minding my own business, when this little punk started shit with me.”

  “The beaver, you mean?” I asked to clarify.

  “Yeah, so anyway, we got into a little bit of a heated discussion. He called me a drunk asshole so I took the head off and punched him in the face. Then he thought he had balls, so he jumped on me and we got into a little bit of a fight,” Dane waved his hand in front of his face like that wasn’t the point of the story. “I took the costume and left the guy in his underwear. It’s just been in my trunk ever since.” He shrugged.

  “How did you take the head off? The head doesn’t come off, Mason just tried pulling on it.” Lennox moved in closer, interested in the story.

  “Oh, it comes off. It just won’t come off of her because I glued it on.” His smile grew and became even more wicked.

  Alissa, Lennox, and I all took a sudden breath before we all started laughing.

  Trent stumbled into the room. “Man, she’s still stuck in that thing?”

  None of us could contain our laughter.

  “Yeah, you guys think it’s funny. Try explaining this to her mom when we go pick up Macy.”

  We laughed even harder.

  Our loud laughing woke Sarah and all of a sudden she jumped up. “Dane!” she yelled and jumped for him. Dane jumped up and ran around the island.

  I didn’t know if Sarah was still drunk or if she couldn’t see in that thing or what, but she was slipping and falling all over the place. She tripped over her giant beaver feet and tackled Dane, taking him to the floor.

  She started hitting him and yelling something none of us could catch. Finally, Trent pulled Sarah off Dane.

  Once all our laughter died down, I had to ask. “Sarah, what were you thinking?”

  She turned her big beaver head to me, “I was thinking that I was the best at beer pong!”

  “So, you ended up in this thing because y
ou lost a game of beer pong?” I pushed my laughter down.

  “No!” Dane yelled pointing at me. “She’s in that thing because she wouldn’t stop.”

  “Stop what?” Lennox asked with her smile still in place.

  “We played a game of beer pong. She lost, I didn’t gloat, but then she wanted a rematch which I gladly accepted. When I won again, she wanted another rematch, I was bored by that time and told her no. But she begged and begged until I finally gave in, with one little stipulation.”

  “Sarah.” I shook my head.

  “Well, in my defense I’d never lost that many games before.”

  “Did you not realize that this asshole kills everyone in beer pong once a week at the bar?” I asked her.

  Sarah was quiet. “The bar has beer pong?” Her giant beaver head turned from me, to Lennox, and then to Trent.

  “Yeah, every Tuesday.” Dane spoke up from across the room.

  Sarah didn’t even say anything, she just took off after Dane again.

  We all shook our heads and laughed quietly to ourselves while Sarah chased Dane outside in her giant beaver costume.

  Lennox and I both poured a cup of coffee and joined Alissa at the island.

  Trent poured himself a cup and came to stand across from us. “So, what happened with Ashley last night. I heard she crashed the party and you had to throw her out, again.”

  I let my head fall, “She died.”

  I heard Alissa’s sudden intake of breath. “What? How?”

  Lennox rubbed my back. “She admitted everything and Mason called the cops. She took off driving like crazy, so Mason and I chased after her. She lost control of the car. We followed behind them to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.”

  “Fuck,” Trent whispered to himself.

  We all sat quietly for a moment, not knowing what to say.

  My eyes drifted to the window where I saw Sarah still chasing Dane around the yard. “Well, what do you guys say about getting started on this mess?”

  “Yeah, I’ll help out man. Just let me try and get Sarah off of Dane.” Trent sat down his coffee cup before heading outside.

  We all pushed away from the island and spent the rest of the day cleaning up after the party.

  Lennox and I stayed in the house for a few days, not wanting to face the real world. We didn’t talk a lot, I think she knew what had happened with Ashley was bothering me. Alissa decided she was going to stay with Dane until everything with Chris was taken care of, leaving Lennox and I to ourselves.

  Finally, on the third day, we left the house and headed for Ashley’s funeral.

  We made the drive quietly, heaviness sat over us as I parked the car in the empty cemetery. We walked through the grass until we found the blue tent that was set up over Ashley’s grave. The only other person there was her mother.

  Lennox and I stood across from her, the casket between us. Even standing that far away, I could smell the alcohol on her. She swayed back and forth with her eyes locked on the casket. She didn’t cry, she didn’t speak, she just swayed from side to side.

  The preacher joined us and he started the eulogy.

  I noticed when Lennox wiped away a tear, I reached out and took her hand in mine wanting to comfort her in some way and needing the comfort myself.

  When the last prayer was said, Ashley’s mom stumbled back toward her car.

  My eyes followed her. I watched as she got in the driver’s seat and start the car before pulling out a bottle and taking a long pull. She wiped her upper lip with her arm and placed the cap back on the bottle before driving away without a word. She didn’t thank the preacher or us for coming. She didn’t watch as her daughter was lowered into the ground. She didn’t shed one single tear.

  That broke my heart more than anything. No wonder Ashely was the way she was. She was lost in a world of drugs and drinking, never knowing what it was like to be truly loved. In her own fucked up way, she loved me and for the life of me, I’ll never know why.

  It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. My heart hurt for her and it was hard to breath.

  “I’ll meet you at the car?” Lennox asked, releasing my hand.

  I nodded silently.

  I pulled a rose out of a vase and set it on top of her casket. I placed my palm against the smooth metal casket. “I’m so sorry things ended this way. I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. I just wanted to help you. Please forgive me.” A tear slid down my cheek and I wiped it away before making the walk to Lennox.

  I sat behind the wheel staring off into space.

  “It’s not your fault, you know.” Lennox’s voice drew me from my thoughts.

  I nodded. “I know, but I helped to get her there.”

  “Mason-” she started but I interrupted her.

  “This is just something that I will have to get past. I know I didn’t kill her, but I had a hand in it and it is something I will never forgive myself for.”

  Lennox nodded, understanding. “How about we stop by the bar and get a drink before we head home?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I started the car and drove toward town.



  When I found out Ashley had died, a part of me was relieved that she wouldn’t be able to ruin my life anymore. Then it sank in, she wouldn’t be able to ruin my life anymore. She was gone.

  Ashley was mentally ill, she needed a doctor. She didn’t deserve to die. That made me feel like shit. How could I have been happy? Everything was my fault. If I had just been nice to her when she tried to apologize things could’ve ended so much differently.

  Mason and I attended the funeral. The only other person there beside Mason and I, was her mother.

  I knew Ashley wasn’t well liked, but I expected a few more people. I felt bad for her. Looking at her mother, I could tell she didn’t have an easy upbringing.

  Her mother didn’t shed a tear throughout the funeral. I watched as Mason placed a white rose on top of her casket before they lowered her under the earth. A tear slid down my cheek.

  Mason wasn’t ready to go home, I knew he blamed himself for what happened, but the truth was, we both had a part in it. I only wanted to unmask the truth, I didn’t know by doing so that she would lose her life.

  That was something I would have to carry around with me the rest of my life. I didn’t know if I would ever get over it, but I knew I wouldn’t ever forgive myself.

  I will always regret letting Mason get in the car that night, but I will never regret getting in that car with him. That was my decision and I was glad I was there for Mason after what happened.

  We pulled up to the bar but didn’t move to get out. We both sat in the car and looked at what used to be Mason’s shop. It was nothing more than burnt wood and scorched concrete.

  “You really should rebuild, you know.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” Mason said opening his door and stepping out.

  He walked around the truck and came to open mine where he took my hand in his. As soon as my feet were on the ground, he grabbed me up in a tight hug. “I love you so much, Lennox. I couldn’t have made it through today if you wasn’t by my side.” He pressed his soft lips to mine for a long kiss.

  “I love you more than you will ever know.” I looked into those ice-blue eyes that seemed darker than usual.

  Hand in hand we made our way inside the bar and took a seat at our table.

  “Hey guys, how’d it go?” Wendy asked.

  “It was tough.” Mason ran his hand through his hair causing it to stick up.

  “Two beers and Jack. A lot of Jack,” I told Wendy.

  Wendy walked away to get our drinks as Dane and Alissa sat down.

  “I think I’m all moved.” Alissa smiled.

  “Did you get your stuff from the apartment too?” I asked, a little sad that Alissa wouldn’t be crawling into bed with us whenever she got scared, or have another Cheetos shower mess to clean up after.

  “Yep.” She l
ooked to Dane with a big smile.

  “I’m happy for you guys. Did you decide about California then?” I asked.

  “I’m keeping my rent paid because I still have a lot of stuff in my apartment there. One day we’re going to have to go pack it up.” She kept her eyes locked on Dane’s.

  “I will help you move a hundred times as long as you’re moving in with me,” Dane said, giving her a quick kiss.

  “You guys are making me sick.” Mason leaned back in the booth.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Dane said while Alissa stuck out her tongue.

  Dane got up and ordered drinks for him and Alissa as Wendy was making her way back over.

  “Here you go,” she placed two beers and four shots of Jack on the table.

  “You know what we should do?” I asked Mason after taking my first shot.


  “We should go buy new cars. It’s about time we got rid of the rental. As much as we’ve been paying for that thing, we probably could’ve bought four cars by now.”

  “I would like that, it’s about time I gave up my old truck anyway.” He took a long drink of his beer before peeling its label.

  “I love car shopping. Can I come?” Alissa asked.

  “No,” Mason and I both said in unison.

  “I don’t want Cheetos in my new truck.” Mason smiled thinking about the story I had filled him in on.

  “Okay, I have to know. What is with the Cheetos?” Dane asked.

  We all busted out laughing, all of us but Dane.

  “Seriously, tell me.”

  “We have plenty of time, babe.” Alissa rubbed his hand that was sitting on top of the table.

  We left the bar after several rounds, the sun was setting as Mason and I got in the rental to head home.

  The ride back was quiet, but Mason had his hand on my thigh the whole way. He was always touching me, rubbing my leg or back, giving kisses where he could. We were happy to finally have each other alone. I knew I would miss living with Alissa, but I was happy to have Mason all to myself.

  Mason parked the car and came around to open my door. I stood from the car only to be in his arms a second later.