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Our Last Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 3) Page 5
Our Last Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 3) Read online
Page 5
His eyes glimmered as his lips turned up in a smile. With my hand in his, he pulled me closer for a quick kiss while we continued to our gate.
Walking through the small airport at home was completely different. Nobody gave us a second look. It felt nice not having everyone’s eyes on me, watching and waiting for a story.
Mason took my bag and led us outside. He turned to Ray. “I will wire you the other half of your payment, but I don’t think we will be needing your services any longer.” I saw his jaw flex as his eyes threw daggers at Ray.
Ray nodded before walking away.
“Mason, it really wasn’t his fault,” I said as the four of us headed to the parking lot.
“I don’t want to hear it. He was supposed to be protecting you and look what happened.” We stopped in front of his truck.
Mason and Dane threw our bags in the back before we all crammed ourselves inside.
I felt guilty for costing Ray his job, but I knew there was no arguing with Mason when he was mad. He had his mind made up and there was no changing it.
After we dropped off Dane and Alissa, I kept my spot at Mason’s side. He kept his hand on my thigh, rubbing gently back and forth.
“So, September eighteenth?” His ice-blue eyes met mine, they were so clear with the sunlight shining against them.
“September eighteenth,” I agreed.
We continued our drive until he turned in at the shop. “I thought you might want to see it, now that it’s finished.”
“It’s finished?”
Mason nodded. “Yeah, the truck came this morning. Joey and the employees are stocking the shelves as we speak.” He got out of the truck and came around to open my door. He took me by the hand and led me into the shop.
It looked completely different from the last time I had been there. Before it was bare and empty, in the two days I had been gone, the employees did an amazing job of setting everything up. The shelving was set in rows with various items, there were coolers with cold drinks and there was even a section of clothing sporting the store logo.
“Wow, I can’t believe everything got done so fast.” I walked over to the wrack of t-shirts and hoodies and began looking through them. I found a camouflage t-shirt with the store logo done in hot pink. I held it up to me to check the size.
“I want to buy this,” I told Mason.
He laughed. “Just take it.” He walked over to his office and opened the door. “We get the pleasure of setting up the office.”
I hung the shirt back on the rack and walked over to him to peek inside. The whole office was destroyed. File folders and papers were stacked up on the desk, filing cabinets were standing in the center of the room, and his desk chair was in pieces, still in the box.
“What happened in here?”
“I told them to throw any office supplies in here. I didn’t think they would actually throw it though.” He shrugged as he walked behind the desk to look over the mess.
“We open tomorrow. How are you supposed to work in here?”
“We’ll get it straightened out.” He started walking closer to me with a gleam in his eye.
I took a step back, “Oh, no. We have too much to do to start that.” I pointed my finger at him to make sure he knew I was serious.
He cracked a smile. “Fine, but tonight, you’re mine.”
“Deal,” I promised.
We got to work straightening up the office. We worked for hours and didn’t even put a dent in it. We finally decided to take a break and head to the grill for dinner.
The employees had put in a long day and had accomplished a lot, so we invited them to join us for dinner on us. All five employees, Joey, and Trent followed us up to the bar and we sat at the large circle table in front of the stage.
I took the time to get to know them. I was happy that I had hired Jessica because she seemed like a lot of fun. We sat next to each other and talked the whole time. She told me about her last job and how she moved to Georgia with one of her friends for a new start.
As it turned out, she wasn’t running from something like I originally thought. But decided to venture out and try something new. I envied her for her bravery. I had never gone off on my own with no plans as to what I would do. I left to start singing but I knew I would have a place to sleep every night. Jessica seemed like a fun girl and I couldn’t wait to get to spend more time with her outside of work and the shop.
When her phone rang, she excused herself to answer it. I turned back to Mason and leaned in close. “I think we have a really good team here. They are all getting along great.”
He placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed. “It’s all thanks to you. You put together a great team. Let’s hope it stays this way so I can fuck you backstage every night.” When he pulled away, I saw his Adam’s apple bob in his throat. I felt myself instantly become turned on by his words.
By the time we had finished eating, the sun was starting to set. The employees were tired from their long day and taking a break to have a big meal had the Thanksgiving effect. The longer they sat there, the more tired they became. Mason told them to take the rest of the night off.
We only had the office left to set up and we didn’t need a full staff for that. I was excited too because that meant I would have Mason all alone in his office with nobody near to overhear anything. I had to squeeze my thighs together to dull the tingling that had already started.
Mason paid the bill and we started our journey down to the shop. We were about half way when his phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket and placed it at his ear.
Instead of listening in on his conversation, I let my eyes trail out over the ocean. The setting sun was casting its orange glow across the dark blue water. A slight breeze picked up, causing the water to ripple even more while crickets chirped in the background. I knew I was home. I enjoyed my time in California but being home, nothing compared to that.
He held open the shop door for me while still on the phone. I headed to his office with him following behind me.
He hung up and slid the phone back into his pocket. “I need to go by the field. I just got a call from one of the players and they have something they need to tell me.”
“We have so much stuff left to do here before we open tomorrow.”
“I know, but I need to go. This stuff can wait until tomorrow.” He waved it off.
“Mason, how is any work going to get done in here if you can’t even find the desk?”
He ran his hand through his dark hair, causing it to stick up in all directions. “I guess I can call Trent, see if he could come by and help. I won’t be gone long.”
“Okay, you give him a call and I’m going to start putting this stuff into the filing cabinets.”
When Trent showed up, Mason took off, promising to be back soon.
While I got busy cleaning up the office, Trent went to the rental office. He said something about needing to get the computer set up for the next day. I waved him off, I knew he would find some way of getting out of working.
I got a few things put away before Trent came in and asked if I wanted a beer. After all my hard work, on top of the busy weekend of traveling, a beer sounded great. “Yeah, did you bring beer with you?”
He let out a laugh. “No, I’m going to run up to the grill.”
“Mason will be pissed if he finds out you left,” I warned.
A rush of air escaped his mouth, “You think I’m worried about Mason being pissed off at me? Have you met me? He’s pissed at me every day.”
I let out a laugh but didn’t argue with him.
He left me alone while he went to grab us a beer. I continued filing the papers when I heard the screen door shut.
That was fast.
“What did you do? Run?” I turned towards the door, expecting to see Trent, but saw Chris instead.
I rushed forward to slam the office door shut, but he caught it, pushing against it.
While pushing against him with all my might,
I turned to look for an escape.
I can climb out the window, but will I make it in time?
Probably not, find a weapon.
I turned to look at the desk, there was a box cutter setting on top.
That will have to do. But if I reach for it, he’s going to get in.
He’s going to get in anyway. He’s too strong to fight against.
Maybe I don’t have to fight him. Trent will be back soon.
I let the door go and rushed to the desk, grabbing the box cutter and hiding it in my back pocket.
The door slammed against the wall when I let go and he pushed his way through it. I ran to the other side of the desk, needing to put some distance between us. I backed up to the wall across from the door.
Chris didn’t move, he just stood there, watching me with his dark eyes and menacing smile. “You didn’t make the announcement.”
I reached behind my back, covering the box cutter with my hand. “You better leave, Trent will be back here any second.”
He let out a laugh. “Oh, is Trent the one I knocked out in the parking lot?” He used his thumb to gesture over his shoulder, toward the door.
He walked into the office and closed the door behind him. “What are we going to do with you?” He slowly started walking toward me.
I didn’t want to be anywhere near him, but I needed him close if I was going to use my weapon.
I wrapped my hand around the blade and waited.
“I asked you to do one thing. Just one thing and you couldn’t even do that.” His voice was even and controlled. He didn’t take his eyes off of me as he slowly walked closer and closer.
“Well, guess what.” His brows raised as his lips turned up into a smile. “If I can’t have what I want, neither can you.”
He took another slow step, he was almost within reach.
“If my life’s ruined, yours is over. I’m done playing this fucking game with you.” He took the last step. With his hands holding me against the wall by my sides, he pressed himself against me.
“It’s such a shame too. We did have some good times, didn’t we?” His nose trailed across my cheek toward my ear. I heard him inhale my scent, the action caused a chill to run up my spine.
“Maybe just once more.” He pulled away to look in my eyes. “You know, for old times’ sake.” When the last word left his mouth, he grabbed me by my thighs, lifting me up and pressing me against the wall.
I pulled the blade from my back and jabbed it in his side. He instantly released me and I fell to the floor.
“You bitch!” Blood started soaking through his shirt, but it didn’t stop him, it only angered him more. I got up quickly and ran past him, but was stopped when he grabbed a fist-full of my hair and threw me down on the floor. I landed on my back, the force from the fall knocked the air from my lungs.
He covered my body with his as he wrestled the weapon from my hand. When he had it, I froze.
He let out a laugh. “Not so cocky now, are you?” He placed the blade to my throat.
“There is one thing I will miss though.” He replaced the blade with his left hand, holding me by the throat as he used the box cutter to slice down my shirt.
“These have always been a favorite of mine.” He placed the blade to the swell of my breast, dragging it along my skin, but not hard enough to cut me.
I couldn’t move in fear of being cut.
I felt the hot tears stream down my cheeks. “I’ll tell them,” I whispered.
“What’s that?” he asked, easing his hold on my throat.
“I’ll tell them!” I screamed.
He shook his head. “It’s too late for that now. You ruined any chance I had, you ruined my life. Now, it’s time that I ruined yours.” His hold on my throat tightened as he moved his lips to mine and pressed a sloppy kiss against them.
When he removed his lips from mine, he whispered against them, “Goodbye, Lennox.”
I moved my hands to pry his fingers away, but couldn’t fight against him. My vision blurred and became dark.
I was losing consciousness. I fought for a breath as my lungs burned like a fire had been set inside them. Finally, I couldn’t fight him anymore. I let go, into a deep, dark sleep.
Chapter Seven
When I got to the field, the team was huddled in the center. I started my journey across the grass. When they saw me, they ran toward me, picking me up and holding me in the air.
They screamed and shouted before lifting me up on their shoulders and packing me across the field to the fill-in coach, Eric.
“What’s going on?” I yelled over their cheers.
“Alright, guys. Put him down.”
The team set me on my feet and circled around us.
“You’re the new full-time soccer coach,” Eric said. “Congratulations.” He patted me on the back.
I was taken back. “What do you mean?” I asked with a smile on my face.
“I got a job in another town, I can’t fill-in here anymore. The team wants you. What do ya say?”
I ran my hand through my hair.
I am flattered the team wants me back, but is it the right time? With the shop re-opening, the wedding coming up, and all this shit with Chris still going on?
“I’m going to have to think about it. I’m kept a little busy these days.”
“Come on, coach!” one of the guys on the team yelled.
“Yeah, come on. We need you. Don’t let us down now!” another joined in.
I couldn’t hold back my smile. I missed soccer, I really did. But did I have time to coach the team? I didn’t want to let them down.
“Guys, I’m so glad you want me back, but this is something I’m going to have to think about. I want to be back here as much as you want me back, but I have a lot going on right now.”
“I thought you always had our backs? We can’t make it to playoffs without you,” Connor said.
Connor and I had always been close. He reminded me a lot of myself. He had skills and I pushed him to be the best he could be. I tried to be the kind of coach I needed at that age.
It’s so easy for kids to get lost, especially in high school. One mistake could cost you your future. I had always been there to keep him on track. I couldn’t let him down.
I smiled. “Okay, I accept.”
The team cheered loud and jumped around, picking me up once again.
I laughed out loud at their excitement.
“Alright, alright. Hit the showers,” Eric yelled.
The guys placed me on my feet and each of them slapped me on the back as they ran past me.
Once the field was empty, Eric handed me a piece of paper. “Here’s the schedule. Congrats, man.”
“Thanks.” I took the papers, looking over them.
I was excited on the drive back to the shop. I couldn’t wait to tell Lennox. I knew with everything going on, the timing wasn’t perfect, but it was something I had to do. I needed to be there for those kids. They needed me and I couldn’t let them down.
I knew it would add a little stress on us, especially since Lennox would have to come with me to every practice until I found a replacement bodyguard for her. But I felt that we could make it work, she knew how much soccer and those kids meant to me.
As I pulled up at the shop, I saw a dark mass lying lifeless in the grass next to the building. I parked the truck quickly and ran over to see what it was.
Once I was only a few steps to the building, I saw that it was Trent.
I ran over to him and rolled him to his back. I went to check his pulse when he jumped awake.
Seeing that he was okay, I didn’t give him time to explain. I knew what had happened.
I ran inside, stopping just inside the door. My eyes flashed around the room, looking for anything out of its place. Nothing had been touched. I listened, but the place was eerily quiet. That’s when my eyes landed on the office door. It was shut.
Why is the door shut? He’
s here.
As that thought crossed my mind, my feet started moving on their own. I busted through the door to find Chris on top of Lennox, choking her. Her eyes were closed and she was pale and lifeless.
I jumped toward him, knocking him off of her.
Something inside of me snapped. I finally had what I had wanted from the first time Lennox showed me her bruises after she escaped him.
I had Chris all alone.
My wish fell flat. Suddenly, I wasn’t worried about him, I was worried about her lifeless body lying on the floor.
I swung at him, knocking him to the floor. I shouldn’t have taken my eyes off him, but I wanted to see if Lennox was breathing. I needed to make sure she was okay. The moment my eyes were off him, he jumped on me. Trent ran into the room, he paused, not knowing if he should help me or her.
“Help her!” I screamed while wrestling with Chris.
Trent ran to Lennox’s side and started mouth to mouth.
Finally, knowing she was getting help. I gave Chris my full attention. I let every ounce of hate I had for him pour out of me. I rolled us over, pinning him beneath me, I hit him again and again.
I lost track of time, I blacked out and don’t even remember when he passed out. It didn’t matter though because I kept hitting him. I wanted him out of our lives for good.
Trent pulled me off of Chris’ bloody body. Not knowing what was going on, I fought to get back to him. He was out cold, but I wasn’t done.
Trent stood in front of me, blocking Chris from my sight. He took my face in his hands and leveled his eyes on me. He knew I was lost.
I saw his lips moving, but didn’t hear a word he said. Instead I heard my heart beating wildly in my ears.
Trent shook me. “Stop, man. He’s out. You’re going to kill him!” He shoved me back. I lost my balance and fell into a chair. My breathing was heavy as I felt myself come back to the present. My eyes found Lennox laying on the floor. I fell to my knees and crawled over to her. I felt tears sting my eyes.