A Second Chance at Forever (Chance #2) Read online

Page 5

  “I will be there, sweetheart.”

  When the plane landed, more pain consumed me. I thought I was going to pass out, my head started to spin and everything became blurry. I closed my eyes and breathed as deeply as I could.

  When I saw Dad standing there waiting for me, the tears started to flow. I saw sadness and anger rise on this face just from seeing me. He knew I was hurt, the bruise on my face was evident of that.

  “What happened?” he asked, taking me by the hands and leading me toward a seat.

  “Chris, we have been fighting a lot lately. I tried to leave, he wouldn’t let me leave,” I cried into my hands.

  “We need to get you to a hospital.” Dad looked around for the quickest route.

  He helped me up, and we walked slowly through the airport to his waiting car. Once he helped me in, I leaned back against the seat and took as deep of a breath as I could. It hurt to breathe, but it was done. I was away from him and he couldn’t touch me anymore.

  Dad and I spent the remainder of the morning at the hospital where they checked me over and did x-rays. As it turned out, my ribs were just badly bruised, but I did have a concussion, not to mention the endless amount of bruises.

  They wrapped up my ribs and gave me some pain medication before discharging me. Dad wasn’t happy that I refused to press charges, but I didn’t want him to know where I was. I didn’t know if he would come after me.

  Dad helped me into the house and made me eat some breakfast before handing me a pain pill and a bottle of water. He helped me up to my room where Kathryn helped me into bed. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

  I woke up a few hours later with my phone ringing. I reached for my purse but it was too far away and every time I moved I was racked with more pain. Lying in bed made me stiff and I felt sorer than before. I ignored the phone and fell back asleep.

  Kathryn would bring in food and water. After I would eat, I would take another pain pill before going back to sleep.

  This was how my first few days at home went. I would eat, take medicine, and fall back asleep. I slept for the first three days I was home. Finally, on a Thursday, I pulled myself from bed and made my way into the bathroom alone.

  After finishing up, I looked at myself in the mirror. My face wasn’t swollen anymore but there was still a slight bruise left. I lifted my shirt and removed the wrap. My sides were more bruised than ever. I took off the rest of my clothes and took a long, hot bath.

  After emerging an hour later, I almost felt like a whole new person. As long as I didn’t move quickly or breathe too deeply, I didn’t hurt. Luckily, I had left most of my clothes at home before I left, so I still had stuff to wear.

  After wrapping my ribs, I pulled on a pair of jeans and a big sweatshirt and went to work trying to cover the bruise on my cheek. After I was dressed and my bruise was concealed, I made my way downstairs for the first time in three days.

  Dad and Kathryn were sitting at the table when they noticed I had come in.

  “Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling?” Dad asked, pulling out a chair for me.

  “A little better actually.” I sat down, slowly.

  “I’ll get you some lunch.” Kathryn stood and walked into the kitchen.

  “Lennox, why didn’t you tell me this was going on? We need to do something about this. We can’t let him get away with doing this to you.” His green eyes locked on mine. I could see the anger behind them.

  “Dad, I just want to forget about it. I don’t want him to know where I am. I’m afraid he will come for me,” I admitted.

  Dad looked like he was about to say something else but let it drop when Kathryn came back in the room and sat a plate down in front of me. I looked at the sandwich and chips, not sure if my stomach could handle it.

  I took a drink of water and took a small bite of the sandwich but couldn’t stomach the food. I pushed the plate away and played with the label on my water bottle.

  “You need to eat with your medication, honey,” Kathryn tried.

  “I’m not taking it anymore. It makes me feel groggy. I think I’m going to go lie down for a bit longer, though.” I stood slowly and walked toward the living room couch.

  “Oh, here’s your phone. It wouldn’t stop ringing and I didn’t want it to wake you.” Kathryn handed me the phone.

  I took it from her, not really wanting to see what it had to say, and laid down on the couch.

  I had several messages from Alissa asking where I was and why I didn’t show up for the interview that was scheduled. I sent her a quick text telling her what happened but didn’t say where I was. I knew I could trust her, but I didn’t want any evidence pointing out my location.

  I had missed calls from my agent, but didn’t bother with them. I wasn’t under contract anymore. I had no obligations to go back.

  I had what seemed like a million texts and voicemails from Chris. They started out nice, “I’m sorry, please call me.” They got worse as they went along, “Answer your fucking phone, bitch! I will find your ass and you will be praying for death when I’m done with you!”

  A tear fell from my eye and rolled down my cheek. I didn’t bother reading the rest or listening to the voicemails, I had a feeling they would all be the same way.

  I started watching TV but quickly got bored. I went back to playing with my phone and looking at Mason’s page. I hadn’t looked at it since the day before Chris and I had gotten back together.

  There were more pictures of Mason and the mystery girl and my heart broke a little more.

  After spending the day bored and in pain, I decided to get out of the house and found myself sitting in front of the bar and grill Mason’s brother owned. I almost left ten times before I finally talked myself into going in and getting a drink. I needed something to help with the pain since I didn’t want to keep eating the pills.

  I walked in slowly and sat down at the bar.

  “Lennox Madison?” Wendy said approaching the bar. “What are you doing here? Does Mason know you’re here?”

  “Hey, Wendy. How have you been?” I forced a smile on my face.

  Wendy hadn’t changed a bit. She kept her blonde hair at shoulder length, but instead of it being stick straight like it used to be, it hung in soft, flowing curls. She looked more mature, but even more beautiful than when I left.

  “I’m good. I can’t believe you’re here.” She came around the bar and gave me a hug.

  She squeezed lightly, but it was enough to bring tears to my eyes.

  “How are you doing? Are you going to be sticking around awhile?” she pulled away but kept me at arm’s length.

  “I’m okay. Can I get a drink? I mean if I’m not still barred, that is.” I smiled trying my hardest to will away the tears.

  Wendy laughed remembering the time I got barred and went to make my drink. “What can I get ya?”

  “Jack, please.”

  While waiting for my drink, I looked around the bar.

  Nothing had changed. The walls were made up of dull wooden planks with a hardwood floor, giving the bar an old, rustic feel. There were pictures hung on the walls of all the local events and big flat screen TV’s playing various games.

  Wendy slid the glass toward me and I took a sip, welcoming the burn it brought.

  “So how has everything been going?” I asked, sitting the glass down.

  “Good, same old shit. What about you? I heard you were getting married.” She leaned in, hoping to get all the juicy details.

  “Oh. Well, I’m just taking a little time off. How’s Dane? Is he still hanging around here?”

  “Oh, yeah. He ain’t going far from this place.” She walked to the back office and knocked on the door. She stuck her head in, within seconds she was walking back to me with Dane on her heels.

  “Look what the cat dragged in,” Dane said walking up to me with open arms.

  I reached in and gave him a small hug. Once again, the pressure made me take a sudden breath. Once he released me from
the hug, I let out the breath and quickly sat down and finished off the Jack in one big drink.

  He sat in the empty barstool next to me and gave me a smile. “What the fuck are you doing here? Does my brother know you’re here?”

  Dane looked practically the same as he did five years before. His long, dark hair hung over his forehead, practically in his eyes.

  “I’m just taking a little time off and no, he doesn’t know. I wasn’t sure if he would want to see me.” I pointed to my glass for a refill.

  Dane’s dark eyes locked with mine before he pulled his lip ring into his mouth and released it. “What? That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard, you know he wants to see you.”

  “I heard he had a girlfriend. I didn’t want to start trouble.” I took a drink before looking into my second glass that was almost gone already.

  “Who? Nicole?” he waved his hand as if he could wipe her from my thoughts. “I think he’s just wasting time, but don’t tell him I told you that.”

  “So, when’s the date?” Wendy asked, pouring Dane a drink.

  “The date?” Dane looked confused. He brought his glass to his lips and threw back the liquid.

  “She’s engaged to Chris Meyer,” Wendy said it like everyone should know. I wished they didn’t.

  “No shit?” He had a look of complete surprise.

  “We’re engaged.” I nodded while raising my eyebrows and offering him my fake smile. I wasn’t sure on how or if I should tell them.

  “Fuck, no wonder my brother has been in such a bad mood lately.”

  Dane and Wendy both laughed, but Dane’s last statement had me thinking about Mason.

  Is he happy with this Nicole girl? Is he just wasting time, waiting for me? Will he want to see me?

  After my third glass of Jack, I couldn’t hold in the questions any longer.

  “So, has Mason been in today?”

  Wendy looked up from slicing lemons and smiled. “Yeah, he came in for lunch.”

  “What’s he been up to?”

  “Just working, I guess. He still runs the shop, he comes here for lunch some days. Oh, and he started coaching the high school soccer team.”

  “Really? I’m glad he’s getting back to soccer,” I smiled to myself thinking about Mason finally getting back to something he loved. “So, this girl, Nicole, how long have they been together?”

  Wendy smiled but answered my question. “I guess a few months now. They met in here. I think for a while they were just sleeping together. I don’t know what happened but they started acting more like a couple.”

  Great. That isn’t what I wanted to hear.

  I think Wendy noticed my change in mood. “You should go see him. I think he would like to see you again.”

  I offered her a small smile. “I think I better get home before I drink any more of these.” I pointed to my glass.

  We said good-bye and I slowly made my way out to the car. Sitting behind the wheel, I thought about making the drive to Mason’s house but quickly decided against it. If he was with someone, there was no way we needed to be alone in that house.

  What if he’s not alone? What if his girlfriend is there? What if she lives with him?

  After those thoughts, I started to drive home before I did something dumb.

  I had intended on going home, I did, but something wouldn’t let me. An hour later I was pulling up to Mason’s house.

  The house was more beautiful than I remembered it with its large yard and wrap around balcony.

  I parked the car and slowly got out to knock on the door. After a moment of waiting, I turned around, convinced nobody was home. I had my foot on the step when I heard the door open.

  “Can I help you?”

  I turned around to see her.

  “Oh, hi. I’m Lennox Madison, I was looking for Mason. Is he here?” My eyes lingered over her, trying to take in as much of her as I could. I don’t like to admit it, but I needed something to compare myself to. My self-esteem was lacking, to say the least.

  “Like, Lennox Madison, the country singer?” she replied with excitement in her voice as her green eyes lit up.

  “Yeah, that’s me.” I forced a smile before stuffing my hands in my pockets. “Is Mason here by chance?” I stood on my tiptoes, trying to see over her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, no he’s not. He had practice this evening. Do you want me to tell him you came by? He should be getting home soon.” She smiled politely.

  I smiled back, she seemed sweet. “No, thank you. We used to be friends and I was in town so I figured I would stop by and say hi. But, thank you, anyway.” I turned and walked away before she could ask anything else.

  I got in the car and drove away as quickly as possible without kicking up rocks. As I drove down the long driveway, a single tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly and kept my eyes on the road.

  By the time I made it home, it was starting to get late. I walked in with Dad passed out on the couch while Kathryn sat watching the news. I smiled, but didn’t say anything as I made my way to my room.

  Once inside, I locked the door and pulled off my clothes before climbing into bed. I felt the tears well up but wouldn’t let them come out.

  I missed my chance.

  I left him so I could go chase my dream and he found someone else.

  I didn’t blame him, he couldn’t wait forever. But I missed him, I missed what we had.

  I still wanted that.

  I still wanted him.



  I woke up Friday morning feeling like I was hungover even though I didn’t drink. The weight of knowing Lennox was in town was about to make me crash.

  She came here and saw Nicole. What if she finally came back to be with me? What if she saw Nicole and thought I had left her behind and went back home? What am I going to do about Nicole? Fuck, what am I going to do about Lennox?

  All those thoughts swarmed around in my head the moment my eyes opened.

  I pulled myself from bed quietly, trying not to wake Nicole since she started her midnight shift at the hospital.

  Turning the water on in the shower, I undressed and stepped in. The hot water ran over my body and I let my head fall forward. Suddenly two arms wrapped around my stomach.

  “I tried not to wake you.” I spun around in Nicole’s arms to look at her.

  “You didn’t.” She brought her lips to mine.

  I returned the kiss but broke it off quickly. “I need to get to the shop early today. I have to help Joey with inventory.” I removed her arms from around me.

  She took a step back but kept her eyes locked on me. “Since I work the midnight shift this weekend, you probably won’t see me until Sunday evening. I will just go back to my place after work in the morning.”

  “Okay.” I can’t believe this. I haven’t even seen Lennox yet and already I’m letting her drive a wedge between Nicole and me.

  I left Nicole in the shower while I dressed and gathered up my keys and phone. I was about to walk out of the bedroom when Nicole stepped out of the shower.

  I gave her a soft, but quick kiss. “I will see you Sunday then?” I was trying to reassure her and myself.

  She nodded her head. “I will call you after I wake up tomorrow.”

  I offered her a nod and a small smile before heading toward the door.

  I pulled up to the shop and made my way toward the office. I didn’t have inventory to do, but I didn’t want to have sex with Nicole knowing Lennox was in town, so I lied.

  Taking a drink of my coffee, I sat down in my desk chair and turned on the computer.

  Joey stuck her head in my office. “Mason, Trent called. Got a problem with another boat.”

  I picked up my coffee and started toward the rental counter.

  “Which one now?” I asked when I walked in.

  “Mr. Madison’s houseboat you just bought. Someone wanted to rent it for the day, but it hasn’t been looked over yet.”

sp; I grabbed my tools from behind the counter and made my way toward the boat I never wanted to step foot on again. I only bought the thing because I couldn’t bear to see someone else take off with my memories.

  I stopped on the dock and looked up at the boat.

  Instantly, memories flooded me. I asked Lennox on our first date on that boat. It’s where I heard her sing for the first time and where we had our first kiss. Just thinking about that kiss, I could feel her soft lips pressed to mine.

  I shook my head trying to clear out the memories and hopped in.

  Walking inside, I noticed there was a leak in the roof. I made my way up to the top to check it out.

  With the sun beating down on my back, I was hot and sweating my ass off. I took off my shirt and tossed it down on the dock to continue working on the crack.

  “Thanks, but I didn’t need a shirt.”

  I stood and walked to the edge to look down. It was Lennox. Just seeing her standing in front of me again after five years was enough to make my heart pound in my chest.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, at a loss for words.

  “I wanted to see you, but if you’re busy.” She shrugged and started to turn around.

  No, don’t leave.

  “I can take a break.” I watched as she stopped and turned back around to face me.

  I climbed down the ladder and reached out my hand to help her onto the boat. My hand tingled and felt like it had been set on fire the moment she touched it.

  I couldn’t believe she was standing right in front of me after five years. Her long dark hair flowed down her back in loose curls like it always had. Her emerald green eyes were hidden beneath a pair of dark sunglasses and it was a good thing, too. I knew if I saw those eyes, I would’ve gotten lost in them.

  “Thank you,” she pulled her hand away from mine. “So, how have you been?” she asked, leaning in for a hug.

  She pressed her warm body against mine and my mind instantly went blank. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. I breathed in her lavender shampoo that was mixed with her own delicious scent and was instantly flooded with memories of her being in my arms, when she was mine. But she wasn’t mine, anymore. She belonged to someone else and I had someone else. I had to keep that in mind.