Bound to Hope: A Forbidden Romance (The Hope Series Book 2) Read online

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  She laughs and swats at me. “I think you can keep yourself in check while he’s here.” She turns and looks at me from over her shoulder. “Maybe we should stop having sex until we get married.”

  I freeze. No way can I keep my hands to myself when she’s curled up against me every night.

  Her laughter cuts through me. “I was only joking.” She turns in my arms. “Did you really think I could kiss these soft lips and not want to take things further?”

  “You had me a little scared,” I admit as I pin her beneath me and move my mouth to hers.

  I wake early and head to the airport. When I find Jack, I pull him in for a hug.

  “It’s good seeing you. How you been?” I grab his bag off the floor and sling it over my shoulder.

  “I’m great. The shop’s doing good, and your apartment’s still standing.” He laughs.

  I wave him off. “I don’t care about any of that. I want to know how you’re doing. Any special ladies that are sticking?”

  He laughs. “No, nothing like that.” He pushes his wavy, shoulder length hair behind his ears.

  “Still haven’t been to a barber I see.” I toss his bag into the backseat of my Jeep and get behind the wheel.

  “I’ve been to several over the last few years. I just won’t let them take anymore off. I know how you’re jealous of my hair,” he jokes.

  “Yeah,” I say around a laugh.

  I pull out into traffic and head for the shop. “I figured I’d take you by the shop and show you what I have going on. Then we’re meeting up with Hope for dinner later this evening.”

  “Hope?” he asks, looking over at me. “The Hope I know? Dean’s Hope?”

  Fuck, I forgot that he never knew about us.

  “Yeah, we’ve been seeing one another. We’re engaged actually.” I don’t take my eyes off the road. I can’t stand to see the embarrassment or resentment on his face. He was friends with Hope and Dean. He knew them when they were together, and Jack is basically like a son to me. I never thought about how he’d take the news.

  “Wait a minute. You’re fucking Hope? Hope that grew up across the street from your house, Hope?”

  I nod. “I know you must be confused. We started seeing one another before my divorce went through. Jane found out and lost her shit. She caused us to break up, but we ran into one another a few days ago, and I asked her to marry me. I don’t want to live without her.”

  His shoulders fall just a bit. “So, you love her. Like, really love her?”

  “I do. I’ve known it for a long time, but I let worry over what others would think of us ruin it. I finally got her back, and I’m not letting her go.”

  He shakes his head while laughing. “Okay, man. If that’s what you want, I’ll be cool.”

  “Really?” I ask, glancing over at him.

  “I’m not saying it won’t be weird. You know how many times I drove her and Dean around, so they could sit in the backseat and make out?”

  My chest swells with pain from hearing my son’s name, but it also fills with anger. It’s the same thing everyone sees. Hope and my son. To them, Hope and I are all wrong together.

  “I know it’ll take some getting used to. I just hope you’ll see us together tonight, not some old pervert and young girl.”

  He laughs and shakes his head. “Won’t be a problem. I love you, man. You’re like a father to me. I just want you happy.”

  “Thank you,” I say as I pull into the parking lot.

  Chapter 9


  The day goes by smoothly. I handle several photoshoots for different clients. As I’m leaving to head to my doctor’s appointment, Scott stops me.

  “Hey, Hope.”

  I spin around and find him jogging up to me. “Yeah?”

  He stops in front of me. “I just wanted to tell you that Victoria Young is going to use your picture for the album cover. Good job.”

  I’m speechless. “Are… are you serious?”

  He smiles and nods. “I knew I made the right decision by hiring you. Go celebrate!” He turns and walks away.

  I’m practically bouncing with excitement as I rush out.

  I walk into the doctor’s office a little while later and go through a routine exam before I’m given my Depo shot. to the doctor reminds me to use backup protection for the next week and come back every three months to repeat the injection. It seems like a lot of work, but I just got Holden back. And honestly, I’m still not completely sure in our relationship yet. Pregnancy isn’t something I’m willing to risk anymore. We’ve always thrown caution to the wind, and I’m lucky I haven’t come up pregnant already. This is something that needs to be taken seriously.

  I leave the doctor’s office and head straight to the restaurant for dinner.

  My high hasn’t worn off when I walk in. The hostess leads me over to Holden and Jack. They both stand to welcome me. I hug Jack. “How have you been?” I ask, pulling away to address Holden.

  Holden leans in and gives me a quick kiss before pulling out my chair for me.

  I sit down and look back over at Jack. He looks weirded out as he looks back and forth between Holden and me. Then I remember, he never knew about us.

  “I’m….” He shakes his head clear. “I’m great. How have you been? I haven’t seen you in forever — since before you left for college.”

  We hadn’t seen one another since the day of Dean’s funeral. We both snuck outside and shared a cigarette and a flask of rum.

  “I’m great,” I reply. Turning, I look at Holden. “Victoria Young is going with my picture for her album cover,” I say, excitedly.

  He smiles wide as his hand lands on mine, rubbing back and forth. “That’s amazing. She would’ve been crazy to not pick it.” He looks over at Jack. “Hope has been working as a photographer,” he says, filling him in.

  His brows raise in surprise before he smiles. “You finally did it, huh?”

  I nod with my smile still in place.

  He sits back laughing as he turns to Holden. “Man, if you only knew how many pictures Dean and I had to pose for back then.”

  The table goes silent.

  A bout of sadness washes over me from hearing about that time. Dean. It’s been so long since I’ve thought about him. Holden fixed all those broken pieces inside of me. And then when he left, I was so lost without him, he was all I thought about. Even though I know Dean would want me to be happy, I still feel guilt over what Holden and I are doing.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Jack says, pushing his shoulder length hair behind his ears and leaning forward. “I didn’t mean to bring that up.”

  “No, it’s fine,” Holden says. “You three have a past. It’s only natural to talk about it.” He looks around and raises his hand for the waiter.

  “Are you okay,” Holden asks, squeezing my hand.

  I put my smile back in place and nod once.

  “I really didn’t mean to upset you, Hope. I’m just nervous. I mean, this is a little awkward for me. You were a friend growing up, and Holden is like my dad, you know?” Jack’s eyes hold remorse.

  “It’s okay, Jack. I somehow forgot that you didn’t know… about us.” I look at Holden. “Let’s not worry about it. Why don’t you tell me what’s been going on in your life,” I shift the conversation off of Holden and me.

  His face relaxes before he begins talking about the motorcycle shop he’s running for Holden.

  The rest of the dinner goes smoothly. My relationship isn’t brought up again. Instead, we talk about what’s been going on in the small town we’re originally from, the shop, and ideas he has to improve business.

  When I look over at Holden, he’s smiling and talking up a storm. Jack says he thinks of Holden as a father, and I can tell that Holden thinks of him like a son. He looks so happy, like he’s finally found his place in the world.

  Jack is all set to stay with us the next week. Holden shows him to the guest bedroom, and I get busy pouring a cup of tea before

  Holden grabs clean sheets for the bed, and Jack comes into the kitchen, opening the fridge to get a beer.

  “Hey, Jack?”

  “Yeah?” He looks over at me.

  I sit at the island with my cup between both hands. “Have you seen my parents around town?”

  He nods. “Yeah, I see them all the time. Why?”

  My eyes fall to my cup.

  “Oh,” he says with a nod. “They don’t approve of the engagement?”

  I shake my head. “I haven’t seen them in years. They didn’t approve of our relationship. They don’t know about the engagement.”

  “So, you don’t know about your dad’s heart attack?”

  My eyes suddenly jump up to his. “My dad had a heart attack? When?”

  He thinks it over. “A few months ago.”

  Tears well up in my eyes as I shake my head. “I had no idea. Please excuse me.” I take my tea and head straight to the bedroom. I place my cup on the bedside table and curl up in a ball on the bed.

  Holden walks out of the walk-in closet holding the sheets for Jack. He sees me and pauses. “Hope?”

  I don’t answer. I can’t around the sobs bubbling up my throat.

  “What’s the matter?” he asks, dropping the sheets on the bed as he sits by my side.

  I roll to my back, so I can see him, but the tears in my eyes make everything blurry. “Jack said my dad had a heart attack a few months ago. I didn’t even know. Why wouldn’t they call me?”

  Holden inhales deeply before lying down beside me and holding me to his chest. His heat and smell washes over me, and his strong heartbeat pounds away in my ear, instantly soothing me.

  “Did he say how bad it was? It could’ve been minor, and they didn’t want to worry you.”

  I shake my head. “He didn’t say, but they should’ve called anyway. They’re still mad at me. I know we don’t talk, but I always just assumed they’d call if there was ever something serious.”

  His hand rubs up and down my bicep and his lips press against my forehead. “Call them.”

  I look up at his blue-green eyes. “Are you serious?”

  He nods. “You’ve been wanting to reach out to them anyway. Why not now?”

  I think it over. What’s the worst that could happen? We haven’t talked in years already. If I reach out, can they really turn me away? their only daughter?

  I nod in agreement as I sit up and reach for my phone on the table.

  Holden stands. “I’ll give you some privacy.” He bends down, presses a kiss to the top of my head, and picks up the sheets before walking out.

  When the door closes, I call the number I haven’t called in years.

  The phone rings three times before my mom picks up. “Hello?”


  “Hope?” She sounds breathless.

  I nod even though she can’t see me. “It’s me. How are you and Dad?”

  “We’re fine, Hope. Is something wrong?”

  Of course, something’s wrong. I just found out my dad had a heart attack, and I wasn’t notified. But I don’t say that. Instead, I say, “No, not at all. I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you both.”

  “We miss you too, Hope. I’m so glad you called. I’ve wanted to reach out so many times, but your father…”

  “I know. I’m sorry for ending things the way we did.”

  She lets out a long breath. “Me too, Hope. Me too.”

  “I ran into an old friend from town, and he told me about Dad’s heart attack. Is he okay? Why didn’t you call?”

  “Oh, Hope. I’m so sorry you had to find out that way. He’s fine as of now. I didn’t want to call until we had some answers — I didn’t want to make you worry. But then we found out that as long as he sticks to his diet and exercise, he’ll be fine for many years to come. He retired, you know?”

  “No, I didn’t know. Did he retire before the heart attack or because of the heart attack?”

  “Because of the heart attack. He’s worked so hard for so long, it was time. Now, he takes it easy around the house. We’ve changed our diets, and we walk every morning. He’s doing really well.”

  I smile. “I’m glad to hear it, Mom.”

  “What’s been going on with you?”

  “I’m living in New York. After I graduated, I moved here with my friend Brad. We share an apartment, and I just got a job at a well-known studio as a photographer.”

  “I’m so proud of you, honey.”

  I know it shouldn’t, but just hearing those words makes me happy. What daughter doesn’t want to hear her mother say those words?

  “I want to come see you guys soon,” I tell her.

  “That would be wonderful, Hope. We miss you so much.”

  I know I should tell her about Holden, but I don’t want my bubble popped. I know if I even say his name, everything about this conversation will change, and I don’t want that. I just want to hold on to the fact that she misses me and is proud of me a little while longer.

  Holden walks into the room and passes me by, heading for the shower.

  “I’ll see what I can do as far as getting home for a visit, and I’ll let you know, Mom.”

  “Okay, the sooner the better. I think your father’s been waiting for this day. I’d let you talk to him, but he’s already asleep.”

  “That’s okay, Mom. I love you.”

  I hear her sniffle. “I love you too, Hope.”

  I hang up the phone and even though I’m happy my mom agreed to see me, I’m sad because I know the minute I tell them about Holden, it’ll all be shattered.

  I drop the phone onto the table and move towards the bathroom, pulling off clothes as I make my way to the shower. Opening the glass door, I step inside behind Holden.

  “How’d it go?” he asks, turning his head to face me.

  “Really well. My dad did have a heart attack, but he’s okay. They want to see me.”

  He turns and pulls me against his chest. His hand cups my cheek as his eyes meet mine. “I knew they would. They love you.”

  Guilt washes over me. “I didn’t tell them about us.”

  The corners of his mouth turn up just a bit. “Don’t worry about it. It’s probably better to tell them in person. When do you want to go?” He brushes the damp hair from my cheek.

  I wrap my arms around his and rest my head against his chest. “I don’t know. I’m scared.” Internally, I laugh. I sound like a child right now. I’ve lived for three years without my parents. I could go longer if I had to, but I don’t want to. Is it childish of me to want them in my life?

  “What are you scared of, angel?” His deep voice echoes in his chest.

  I take a moment to think about how I want to put this. Slowly, I look up at him. “I’m afraid of never having them in my life, and I’m afraid of losing you.”

  He lets out a long breath, then sits in the bottom of the shower and pulls me down with him. I sit between his legs, resting the back of my head on his chest with his strong arms around me.

  “You won’t lose me, Hope. I’m here. We’re getting married. And I’m going to give you any damn thing you want.”

  “You can’t give me my parents back,” I reply, even though I don’t know why. I don’t want him feeling guiltier than he already does, but for some reason, I can’t hold it back.

  He leans forward, causing me to sit upright. I turn to face him.

  “I can’t give you that, angel. As much as I wish I could, I can’t. But I promise, I’ll be by your side the whole way. We can talk to them. Try to explain our side of things.”

  I look up at him from beneath my lashes. “And if they won’t hear it?”

  He shrugs. “Then the rest is on you. I told you if you don’t want me to let me know, and I’ll leave you alone. I understand wanting to have them in your life. I won’t blame you.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t want to lose you.” I climb onto his lap, straddling him. My fingers run through his thick,
black hair. “I’ve never loved anyone more than I love you.” I press my lips to his. “I’ll fight until my last breath to keep you with me, Holden. When I look at you, I don’t see what everyone else sees. I don’t see a man twice my age or a man that lived across the street while I was growing up. I see the man that taught me what true love is. The one that can touch not only my body, but my heart and soul too. And there’s no way I’m giving that up.”

  He leans forward, capturing my mouth with his. His tongue swirls around mine as his hands pull me closer. I never feel more alive than I do when I’m in his arms. He knows all the right places to touch, to tease, to devour.

  He kisses down my jaw, to my neck while his hands lift my hips to position me over his hard erection. His thick cock presses against me, but he doesn’t enter yet.

  “Look at me, angel,” he whispers.

  I open my eyes and look directly into his.

  “I want you to see how much I love you as I slide deep inside you.” He pulls my hips in a downward motion, causing him to fill me painfully slowly.

  The sensation makes me gasp, and the sound causes his jaw to flex and his Adam’s apple to bob in this throat. His eyes burn with desire—a fire so hot and bright I feel the heat from his stare.

  His hands stay on my hips, guiding me at his pace. He pulls me up, pauses, then pushes me back down so slowly. I’m ready to explode.

  His name slips from my lips in a hushed whisper.

  “Yes, angel?”

  “I need more.”

  His hand leaves my hip, latching into my hair. Pulling my head back, the water that was spraying my back beats down on my chest instead. The force of the water spraying my sensitive nipples makes them harden and adds to my pleasure. He leans forward, catching one hard mound in his mouth. His teeth gently graze it before his tongue swirls around in a sucking motion.

  “I need to come, Holden. Stop teasing me,” I nearly moan out.

  He pulls his lips away from my nipple and rolls his hips. “I’ll never stop teasing you, baby.” He rolls his hips again, hitting that exact right spot that causes my release to start building.