Bound to Hope: A Forbidden Romance (The Hope Series Book 2) Read online

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  I gasp, trying to control the needs washing over me, but I can’t. My hand falls down between us to rub circles around my bundle of nerves, but he catches it in his hand.

  “What’s the matter, Hope? Getting impatient?”

  I grind against him and squeeze his thick cock as hard as I can with my muscles. “I’m going to explode if I don’t come soon, Holden. Please, let me come.”

  Suddenly, he takes both my wrists in his big hands and holds them behind my back as he thrusts upward. I continue grinding against him, and it’s the last little bit I need to push me over the edge. My orgasm washes over me like a raging flood of passion and desire. It takes me completely, almost drowning me with need.

  When I’ve rode out the very last wave of my release, my hips slow on their own.

  “Feel better, angel?”

  A wide smile breaks out. “So much better, but now we have to take care of your little problem.”

  He offers a cocky grin. “Just because I let you finish doesn’t mean I’m anywhere near done with you.” Quickly, he stands with me in his arms.

  I squeal with fear and excitement. He turns off the water and walks us through the bathroom and to the bedroom where we fall onto the bed, still completely soaked.

  Chapter 10


  One Month Later…

  I’ve all but moved into Holden’s apartment now. Most of my clothes are already here, and most days, I don’t even go to my apartment unless it’s to hang out with Brad. We’ve finally picked a date for the wedding: April 30th. We’ll have the perfect spring wedding in less than a year. We still haven’t decided on the venue yet, which is one of the things we’re discussing over dinner tonight.

  My job is going really well so far. I’ve done a ton of shoots, and every time Scott tells me how glad he is he hired me. The deadline is drawing closer on the contract though, and I’m still not sure on if I want to sign it. I don’t know why I’m suddenly so afraid to commit. Maybe Holden’s thoughts about it are wearing off on me.

  I grab us some takeout and go straight to the apartment. Holden isn’t in yet, so I take my time getting everything out of the bags and open a bottle of wine. Just as I set our plates on the island, he walks in.

  “Hi, angel,” he says, leaning in for a long kiss. “How was your day?”

  “Great. How was yours?” I pour two glasses of wine.

  He moves to the kitchen sink to wash his hands free of dirt and oil from work. “Busy. I should probably get Jack back up here.”

  “Busy is good though, right?”

  “Better busy than dead, I guess.” He dries his hands and turns to face me sitting at the island. “I was thinking The Plaza for the wedding.”

  My nose scrunches on its own.

  He takes his seat next to me. “Don’t like The Plaza?”

  I shrug. “I like it well enough, but I don’t want to have a giant wedding.”

  He smiles in disbelief. “This is your first and only wedding, and you don’t want a big wedding?”

  “How big could it be? There’s what, Brad, you, me…maybe my parents and some friends from work? Neither of us have large families.”

  “I have family I could invite, plus some colleagues from work.” He takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his hair before reaching for my hand. “I just want to give you everything your heart desires.”

  I smile sweetly at him. “My heart doesn’t desire a big wedding. I want something small. Friends and family only. Maybe something outdoors since it’ll be spring.”

  He studies me. “Are you sure?”

  I lean over and kiss him. “I’m sure. I don’t want or need The Plaza.”

  He nods. “Okay, then. We’ll start looking for something smaller. Maybe something in the suburbs and not in the middle of the city.”

  My smile widens on its own. “Thank you.”

  We’re in the middle of dinner when Holden’s phone rings.

  “Hello?” he answers.

  There’s a long drawn out silence before he says, “I’ll meet you there.” Then he hangs up.

  “Who was that?” I ask, wondering where he’s going.

  “A client. He has some new ideas for his bike and wants to change a few things.”

  “Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”

  He stands and carries his plate to the sink. “It can’t. I have it scheduled for tomorrow. You want to go with me?”

  “Go to your shop?” I ask, looking up at him. I haven’t ever seen his shop, but I’d love to see where he spends his time. “Okay.”

  He smiles back at me and grabs our coats while I clean up after dinner.

  We drive over to Holden’s motorcycle shop, and he unlocks the glass door before quickly putting in the security code. When the alarm is disarmed, he flicks on the lights, and the room lights up brightly. The front of the building is the sales floor. There are shiny motorcycles parked all over the place. I walk through the rows. “Did you build all of these?”

  His blue-green eyes meet mine as he pulls off his coat. “Yeah. I had three long years without you. I worked myself to death.”

  I walk up to him slowly and latch onto the front of his shirt. “Maybe one of these days you can teach me how to ride and build one for me.”

  “You want a motorcycle? I thought you liked being wrapped around me?” His hands land on my hips, and he pulls me closer.

  “I do like being wrapped around you. In fact, I wouldn’t mind being wrapped around you right now.” I bring my lips to his, and his tongue twists with my own. The feelings this man causes in me are unbelievable. I want to be wrapped around him any chance I get.

  “Excuse me,” someone says, causing us to jump apart.

  We both look at the man who just walked in. He’s around the same age as Holden, but he’s dressed in an expensive suit with thinning hair.

  Holden moves toward him. “How are you doing tonight, Barry?” He holds out his hand to shake.

  “Very well, and yourself?” the man asks.

  Holden nods. “Great.” He motions toward me. “This is my fiancée, Hope.”

  The man looks me up and down like I’m a juicy steak that’s been laid out before him. “Hope, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” I say, forcing a smile.

  Holden looks at me. “Hope, would you mind entertaining Barry while I go grab the plans for his bike from my office?”

  “Not at all.”

  “I’ll be right back,” he tells me, rubbing his hand down my arm as he walks into the back.

  Barry begins walking in a circle around me as if I’m just another one the bikes parked on this floor. “Fiancée, huh?”

  I straighten my back and raise my chin. “That’s right.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?” He’s finally back in front of me now.

  “I’ll be thirty soon,” I tell him, avoiding telling him my exact age.

  He grins wickedly. “You sure are a beauty. Do you have a thing for older men, or just rich men?”

  I roll my eyes. “Neither, Holden is the exception.”

  He licks his lips. “I’m not too much older than Holden. I’d love to take you for a ride if you know what I mean. What’s the magic number?”

  My mouth falls open. “I am not a prostitute!”

  He seems taken back. “I didn’t say you were, Hope. I’m simply asking how much it would take to get you to leave with me instead of him.” He looks me up and down. “A grand?” He steps back, studying me. “Two?”

  “Okay, here we are,” Holden says, walking back into the room, holding the tube containing the plans.

  Barry walks over to the glass counter with Holden as he opens the tube and rolls out the papers. I’m seething that he even does business with a repulsive jackass like that man.

  Instead of joining them, I walk to the far side of the room, looking over the bikes my talented fiancé put together with those magical hands of his.

  I tune out
their conversation completely as I try to calm my heart, which is still racing in anger. Once my emotions are under control, I walk back up to the counter and wrap my arm around Holden’s waist as I look over the drawing of the bike.

  “This looks amazing, babe. I didn’t know you could draw like that.”

  He lets out a short laugh. “Just part of the process.” He looks at Barry. “So, what do you think?”

  Barry looks from me, to Holden, and then back. “What do you think? Would I be able to catch myself a girl like you?” he asks me.

  I roll my eyes. “With that personality, I doubt it.”

  “Hope!” Holden says at my side as he looks down at me in shock.

  Barry laughs and points at me. “I like this one, Holden. She’s frisky. How does a man your age keep up with her?”

  Holden is starting to pick up on what’s going on. He doesn’t know what he said to me, but he knows he upset me. “Did something happen while I was in the back?” he asks me, directly in front of his client.

  I look at Barry, not wanting to start trouble. “Nothing for you to worry about.”

  “That’s right,” Barry speaks up. “All in good fun.” He turns toward the door. “I’ll be in touch, Holden.” With that, he walks out, leaving us both looking after him.

  Holden begins rolling up the plans. “What happened, Hope?”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “That guy is a complete asshole.”

  “Of course, he is. He’s been rich his whole life and never had to play nice. He gets what he wants simply because money talks. Now, what happened?” he asks, looking directly at me.

  “He asked what the magic number was.”

  His brows pull together in confusion.

  “To get me to leave with him instead of you. He was trying to buy me!”

  Holden lets out a long breath and pulls me against his chest. “I’m sorry, Hope. I had no idea he’d pull something like that.”

  I look into his eyes. “Is that what people think of me when they see us together? That I’m nothing more than an escort or with you for your money?”

  Holden shakes his head. “I don’t know what people think. We’re not listening to that shit, remember?”

  I nod. “I know. It’s just hard to see the looks and not wonder what they’re thinking.”

  He places his hands on either side of my face, directing my eyes to his.

  “I’m not worried about what people think or say anymore. The only thing I care about is keeping you happy.” His hands slide down to my ass as he picks me up. My legs snake around his hips as he pushes my back against the wall. He kisses me passionately while his strong hands roam my body greedily. They never still on their journey from my thighs, to my ass, to my hips, and up to my breasts.

  “I can’t wait. I have to have you now,” he whispers against my lips.

  He throbs against me, and it makes a flood of wanting wash over me. “Take me to your office, Holden.”

  He places me on my feet and turns in the opposite direction. He locks the door and turns off the lights before rushing back over to me. Quickly, he picks me back up against him and pushes through the swinging door that leads to the back of the building. I look around us as he walks us through his work space. There’s nothing but gray floor, toolboxes, and heavy machinery everywhere. He walks us into his office and flips on the light.

  When he places me on his desk, he pulls off his shirt, revealing rock-hard abs I can’t keep my hands off. My fingers get to work on freeing him from his pants, but his hands push mine away. He breaks the kiss, and with his eyes on mine, he says, “You’re mine tonight. I make the moves, and you follow commands. Got it?”

  His orders turn me on. Already my body’s on fire. Biting my bottom lip, I nod. He slowly pulls off my shirt, revealing my black lace bra. He says nothing as he bends down, littering my neck with soft kisses. They trail down my neck, across my collarbone, and stop at the swell of my breast. He gently bites my nipple through the thin lace, and my head falls back with a gasp.

  He kisses his way lower, between my breasts and down my stomach as I slowly lie back on his desk. When he gets to my jeans, he stands upright. Lifting my leg, he pulls off my boot. He repeats the process again before unbuttoning my jeans. I don’t move to help him. He’s going slowly and being so careful. I don’t know who he’s teasing more, me or himself.

  He pushes my jeans down my thighs and drops them on the floor, leaving me in nothing but my lacy bra and panties.

  His fingers skim beneath the material on my hips. “Are you turned on right now, Hope?”

  My fingers tangle in his hair as my eyes open to lock on his. “Yes,” I whisper.

  “If I put my face between these sexy legs, will I feel how turned on you are?”

  I nod, and my eyes flutter closed again.

  He begins pulling the lace down my hips. His fingertips skim my skin, lighting my flesh on fire.

  “You are wet for me, angel.” His finger glides between my folds, causing me to call out.

  “Do you want me to kiss you, Hope? I’m dying to taste you.”

  “Please,” I whimper.

  He pulls my knees up in the air as his head lowers between my legs. The second his mouth touches me, he reaches under my thighs and holds my wrists down at my sides. I can’t move or get away from him, not that I want to — but feeling like I’ve been captured, only makes my need for him burn hotter.

  My hips start moving on their own, grinding against his mouth as his tongue flicks against me.

  “Do you like it when I tease you, angel?”

  My chest heaves with my heavy breathing, and my heart races, beating only for him.

  “God, yes!” I moan out while trying my hardest to find release.

  He lets out a quiet laugh before flicking his tongue against my nub one more time. “This is how I always want you: completely fucking crazy for me. Always wanting, waiting, only for me. Understand?” Again, he flicks his tongue against me.

  “Yes,” I pant out.

  “I’m going to stop now, Hope.” One last flick of his tongue before he stands.

  “No, please don’t stop.”

  As he looks down at me, his eyes darken with desire. “I want you on my dick, angel. Right now.” My eyes fall to see him take himself in hand, pumping as he draws closer to me. His hands wrap around my thighs, and he jerks me down the desk until my ass is right on the edge. With his sights set on me, he thrusts hard, sliding deep inside. His eyes roll back, and his lips part just from sinking into me.

  This is how we belong — connected as one. Neither of us is whole on our own. I’ve never felt as close to heaven as I do when our bodies are melded together.

  He pulls out slowly and sinks back in just as leisurely. He’s working hard to control his breathing and pace. Opening my eyes, I get a visual to add to the arousal coursing through my body. I see nothing but hard, tan muscles that ripple with his every movement. His eyes darken as he takes me in. He reaches for my bra, grabbing it between my breasts and pulling quickly. The thin lace rips between the cups, freeing my breasts. His lips turn up when he zeros in on them bouncing with his every thrust.

  One hand stays on my hips, pulling me into his movements while the other slides up my stomach to my chest with a firm squeeze. As he rolls my nipple between his fingers while pounding into me, my orgasm rises. I wrap my fingers around the edge of the desk and hold on for dear life.

  “I can feel you getting close, angel,” he whispers. “You’re getting tighter around my dick, bringing me with you.”

  It only takes two more thrusts before I’m pushed over the edge of the Earth. I fall, shattering into a million pieces.

  Holden calls out as he jerks inside of me. He places his hands on either side of my body, supporting his weight on the desk. “Fuck, angel,” he pants with his eyes closed.

  “What?” I whisper with a small grin in place.

  When he opens his eyes, they land on mine. All the love and desire h
e has for me burns behind them. “It gets better and better each time.” Hanging on to my hips, he pulls out of me. He grasps my hand and pulls me to my feet, bringing me into his arms.

  “I know I’ve told you time and time again, but I love you, Hope. You’re the only person I’ll ever want.”

  “I love you, Holden. You’re all I’ll ever need.”

  Chapter 11


  We’re finally making the trip back home to tell Hope’s parents about the engagement, and I’m so nervous I’m sick. Last time, when they found out what we were doing, it put an end to our relationship. I won’t let that happen again. I lived three long years without the woman I love because everyone in our lives couldn’t understand. I can’t do it again. I have to keep Hope.

  We take a cab to the airport and board our plane. Hope sits quietly beside me. She’s just as nervous as I am. I can tell because her fingers are twisting into knots, her bottom lip is swollen from chewing on it, and she can’t sit still.

  I place my hand on hers, stopping her fidgeting. She looks over at me with her wide eyes full of fear.

  “Just relax,” I tell her, offering her a small smile. Maybe if she thinks I’m not nervous, she won’t be either.

  She shakes her head and diverts her eyes. “I can’t. They’re going to hate this, and I just got them back in my life.” She takes a deep breath. “I know it was basically my fault we haven’t had a relationship, but I realized how much I missed them this past month when I was finally able to talk them.”

  I bring her hand to my mouth and press a kiss on top. “I know this is hard, angel. But did you ever think that they missed you just as much? They may have realized our relationship isn’t worth losing you over.”

  She lets out a deep breath and nods, but I can tell from the look in her eyes my words don’t ease any of her fear.

  The whole flight, she grips my hand like if she lets it go, she won’t ever get it back, but I’m not complaining.